080219 El Morya

I Am El Morya Khan and My Fire and Love for You Is Real and True

Beloved El Morya comes this morning with an important message for everyone: “Trust no man or woman, but trust the voice of divine reason. You cannot serve two masters—your Divine Presence and your human creation—simultaneously forever. For either you will love the one and hate the other or the split within you that is caused by attempting to love both your higher Buddha nature and that which is unreal, will move you into an area where you dare not go.”

He urges us to know the voice of our “inner guru through stillness” and not to listen to the “babbling voices of the night” rather than to our own Buddha Self. “There is a time and a season for all to be resolved and that time within you is now.” Morya explains, for example, that by decrying the voice of the guru given through the messengers, there is the stifling of the voice of our own Buddha nature. This then makes it more difficult for us to discern, to hear and to understand. Referring to Kuan Yin’s just completed 33 days of instruction on the facets and qualities of Mercy, El Morya says that “Mercy has come and Justice now sits in her seat of authority for the karmic and cosmic scales to be balanced within you.”

The Master cautions all that serve the Universal Great White Brotherhood to be careful with their words and to “Speak words of truth and only that which you know of firsthand for all else is unreality and another’s experience which is not yours to know or muse on.”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning’s rosary and prayer service.