080221 Portia
Justice is the Grace that God Provides for Us to Grow in Presence
Portia, the Goddess of Justice, comes this morning with a loving message to further our understanding of karma and cycles. Knowing that “some see justice as the karmic hammer,” she gives us keys to move from the mode of reactivity in which we analyze all in terms of dark or light, good or bad, to the point of centeredness in Presence. Portia tells us that “truly every opportunity of life itself is one where God may be present where [we] are through the stream of [our] consciousness…as [we] move from the field of the personality into the monad of divine individuality within the Creator’s heart.”
When someone challenges us or our words and actions, Portia tells us to “be at peace with the presence of God’s awareness of [us]. . .and as a participant in the great drama and plan of the Divine One,” while at the same time acknowledging that God is also present within the one who challenges us “though temporarily unmanifest fully.” Portia suggests that we always seek “to accept and to be and know that the very present reality of light within the center of the cells of every point of Presence within [us] is that which will move [us] into the divine acceptance of higher presence, of higher purpose, of higher love.”
Portia comes to eclipse the darkness within our subconscious so that we can see everything and everyone more clearly, thus giving us the “opportunity for God to live and move and have his being through [our] heart, mind and soul.” She reminds us to nurture our soul by spending time each day to “understand the presence of God-love within” and tells us that “justice will prevail no matter what the seeming distress that comes to play out an aspect of [our] past acceptance of unreality.”
Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.
Image source: www.texasescapes.com/TexasHillCountryTowns