080210 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #29

Mercy is the very Whisper of Conscience within You

That may be Heard in Stillness


fter sharing the missives of her heart today, Kuan Yin discoursed on mercy as a natural key to our own divinity locked within the secret chamber of our hearts. "The presence of mercy is everywhere, but have you listened, have you discerned, have you truly understood her nature?" She spoke of sweetness, caring and harmony, and of the law of love as a sonnet that God sings within us. In her simple words, "Human justification for your current station in life is no excuse for a lack of mercy within your heart."

Service is the Key for You to Receive the Constant Inspiration of Mercy's Mind

"I open now a new petal of love-mercy within your heart which has been dormant to date. Feel the radiance of this new offering and use this dispensation of grace today to serve another." Through the ritual of love-mercy, Kuan Yin's melody may be ours. We can sing the holy thoughts of love-wisdom with Buddha and "…emanate with Mother the gracious heartstreams of care for all life."

Click here to access this discourse in full as well as today's darshan and the Town Hall Meeting.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #29

· Those who would involve themselves in planetary divine planning must have Mercy 101, 201 and 301 as prerequisites, under their belts.

· Mercy escorts those with creative imaginations to cosmic consciousness where they may see clearly how every heart ideation may be a co-creative miracle.

· At the center of all benevolent transmutation the adept always discerns the heart of Mercy.

· Planetary mercy necessitates intercession from the Solar Lords and Ladies.

· Mercy is known among God’s physicians as a last responder.

· The sum total of your life’s conscious acts of kindness and mercy determines the heights of cosmic bliss to which you may rise.

· Mercy light is God’s seventh-ray delight.

· The Buddha’s constant meditation includes infinite heartstreams and thoughtforms of mercy.

· Mercy unveils herself only to the childlike and humble of heart.

· Every blessing bestowed creates an etheric missive of mercy that is delivered by the four winds devas everywhere.

· Though unmovable from its roots, every tree sways to Mercy’s rhythm.

· God is a cosmic dramatist who knows that when the play is over mercy prevails.