080204 Kuan Yin Missives #23
The Miraculous Violet Laser Light
At the behest of Kuan Yin, the messenger read a short exposition on the violet laser light as key to the expansion of mercy within us. This accelerated and focused frequency of the violet transmuting fire can be a great boon in transmuting subconscious blocks and patterns of darkness that hold us back in our soul development. By first dissolving certain underlying paradigms which we often do not even fully know that we have held in the basement of consciousness for lifetimes and then replacing them with positive new engrams and crystalline light patterns, we can quickly move into higher levels of divine gnosis on our spiritual path. The violet laser light is truly miraculous in its ability to help us change from living as humans to realizing our true Buddha or divine nature as God-free beings of light!
This Gift of God Can Move Us from the Past to the Future
To the Present of Manifesting Present Love
Kuan Yin then expanded upon the teaching on the Violet Laser Light, telling us that unless we master this science of self transformation we cannot fully be instruments for world freedom. But, “once you have established a firm foundation of maintaining presence through the use of the violet light daily, then the angels of mercy and freedom come unto you, surround you and give you those great God boons that will assist you in all your work and service to humanity…As more and more of you master the resources already bestowed through utilizing this gift of violet laser light, working on yourself and applying this highest technology of the spirit within your world and daily life, then you will be called at the appropriate time and space to be a spokesperson for the new age within the context of those to whom you have been called to serve.”
Click here to access and listen to the entire message from Kuan Yin and to participate in the Morning Rosary Service.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #23
Mercy is guileless, never voicing invective and living solely to assist life.
The precision and swiftness of Mercy’s decision-making is awesome to behold, for it is born of complete attunement with the Universal Mind.
Mercy is adept at first softening your heart, after which she then works you out to develop and strengthen the fire within.
Mothers and fathers-to-be must be taught the science of prenatal care, whereby as they nourish the unborn they allow Mercy a new voice to the world.
To the hard-hearted and dim-witted Mercy is the best physician and therapist.
True spiritual empowerment comes to those who master themselves by passing each lesson of Mercy.
There is no secret formula for mercy’s appearance though it has everything to do with reverence for life and selfless loving service.
Mercy assists you in moving from simple contemplation to Buddhic mindfulness.
Every rocky relationship may be healed when Mercy is acknowledged as present and when her wisdom is applied.
Mercy says: Turn off every mindset of judgment, every egoic pattern of human justification.
Refrain from making Mercy truant through caustic remarks about others. Every form of gossip sends her packing.
Every new bodhisattva increases Mercy’s family.