080211 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #30

You Cannot Capture Beauty or Mercy Except with the Butterfly Net of Holy Love

“…and then when you have observed her grace it is time to let her fly free again.” So began beloved Kuan Yin this morning in a sweet rendering of further examples of Mercy. “Mercy is the joy of drinking in the playful colors of a garden’s offering. It is the aroma of the strawberry, the dance of the walking stick, the nurturing comfort of the rays of the sun. But most of all it is the spirit that lives within you as consciousness, as deep knowing of the love of the one within your heart and of the all abiding presence of cosmic joy that you may always experience by taking time to be still and entering the door of oneness.”

As she wove new threads of mercy light around us and through us, calling it a “sacred stitchery”, she reminded us to revere all life. “May the blessing of your Buddha nature flow through you. May you revere all life and may the holiness of your own awareness, the God Light within, expand. A kiss of mercy I bestow toward your holy work. Peace, dear sister. Eternal friendship is yours, dear brother.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and the Morning Rosary service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #30

  1. Mindful of Mercy at all times, bodhisattvas focus on the work of the spirit through practical and charitable work.

  2. Valuing the light of Mercy as an ever-present inspiration, disciples of divine love replenish heaven’s spiritual reservoirs through their various sacred devotions.

  3. The humble mercy flame of the Solar Lords and Ladies is wonderful to behold.

  4. Parents and teachers should model for children how to be compassionate through simple acts of mercy and kindness.

  5. Mercy is inviolate in its healing ability but ever changing in its applications.

  6. Be merciful to all creatures. Be kind to all pets. Be caring to all life.

  7. When you enter the virgin consciousness through purity of thought and feeling, Mercy comes to engage you in higher alchemies of divine love.

  8. The path of the Buddha, the wandering of Krishna, the journey of Zarathustra, the way of the Christ, the travels of Confucius and the Tao of Lao Tse are all linked by Mercy’s heartstreams.

  9. Every strata of Mother Earth benefits from the emanations of mercy light from your heart.

  10. As your response to the needy is manifest so will the response of the ladies of Mercy be in your time of need.

  11. An ounce of Mercy’s preparation of presence translates to a gallon of heaven’s best healing remedy elixir.

  12. Where and when you render your best selflessness, there and then Mercy suffuses your work with beauty.