080222 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #3

Blaze Forth the Fire of Radical Forgiveness—Your Health Depends on It!

Saint Germain came early this morning to deliver the alpha thrust for a spiral of divine alchemy for Solar Beingness. "…I come to initiate each of you through the science of radical forgiveness in violet-laser-joy love such that you may move on past those blocks within your subconscious that have tripped you up lifetime after lifetime." In order for many of us to move into a higher vision and have greater God-power flowing through our auras and chakras, a focused action of forgiveness of self and others is the requirement of the hour.

"The highest level of transmutation that you can attain to in this life is dependent upon how much you release and forgive, you let go of permanently." Saint Germain asked us to kneel in silence and send forth these rays of forgiveness to complete the alpha thrust. "And the Omega return requires that you go to those whom you have wronged or whom you thought have wronged you and forgive and ask for forgiveness. This will complete the spiral and then you may move into higher solar beingness with Morya and me. I am the one sent to deliver freedom to the earth."

Click here to listen to this message in full and to hear all 12 of the "elixirs," a few of which are below:

  • Vanity diminishes your receptivity to the alchemical fires of Solar Beingness.

  • Co-create a new mindfulness through attentiveness to divine purpose wed to compassionate communication.

  • Valuing every lifestream as a unique and beautiful individualization of the God flame, you move into a new unity field of awareness in presence.

  • Forget others' mistakes and dwell on their bountiful Presence wholly in divine and rapturous love with yours.

080221 Portia

Justice is the Grace that God Provides for Us to Grow in Presence

Portia, the Goddess of Justice, comes this morning with a loving message to further our understanding of karma and cycles. Knowing that “some see justice as the karmic hammer,” she gives us keys to move from the mode of reactivity in which we analyze all in terms of dark or light, good or bad, to the point of centeredness in Presence. Portia tells us that “truly every opportunity of life itself is one where God may be present where [we] are through the stream of [our] consciousness…as [we] move from the field of the personality into the monad of divine individuality within the Creator’s heart.”

When someone challenges us or our words and actions, Portia tells us to “be at peace with the presence of God’s awareness of [us]. . .and as a participant in the great drama and plan of the Divine One,” while at the same time acknowledging that God is also present within the one who challenges us “though temporarily unmanifest fully.” Portia suggests that we always seek “to accept and to be and know that the very present reality of light within the center of the cells of every point of Presence within [us] is that which will move [us] into the divine acceptance of higher presence, of higher purpose, of higher love.”

Portia comes to eclipse the darkness within our subconscious so that we can see everything and everyone more clearly, thus giving us the “opportunity for God to live and move and have his being through [our] heart, mind and soul.” She reminds us to nurture our soul by spending time each day to “understand the presence of God-love within” and tells us that “justice will prevail no matter what the seeming distress that comes to play out an aspect of [our] past acceptance of unreality.”

Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

Image source: www.texasescapes.com/TexasHillCountryTowns

080220 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #1

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness

Saint Germain comes this morning to discourse with us on the importance of harmony as an equation which brings about balance within our life. “For on either side of the equal sign, that which rests on the scales of justice and mercy must truly be in balance.” He calls balance and harmony “the order of the day” to “bring the kingdom of heaven upon earth.”

Saint Germain and Portia come to “deliver the fire of freedom” but also call us to take responsibility for using the resources of the seventh ray for the Aquarian age culture in perfect balance.” This you may maintain through meditation upon your heart daily before you begin your day and deliver to the world the work of your heart and mind… I bring the eternal into this context through your heart emanation and manifest beingness as the principle of the law of love for all.”

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs

  • Every contemplative thought on God has its effects in bringing more of the love fires of Spirit into your life.

  • Replenishing your spirit daily is simply a matter of re-attuning to your Source and seeing the floodtides of divine light flowing to and through you from the Great Emanator.

  • The intensity of light within your aura is determined by the quality of your heart multiplied by your surrender to holy purpose and then times your mindfulness of the divine Spirit.

080219 El Morya

I Am El Morya Khan and My Fire and Love for You Is Real and True

Beloved El Morya comes this morning with an important message for everyone: “Trust no man or woman, but trust the voice of divine reason. You cannot serve two masters—your Divine Presence and your human creation—simultaneously forever. For either you will love the one and hate the other or the split within you that is caused by attempting to love both your higher Buddha nature and that which is unreal, will move you into an area where you dare not go.”

He urges us to know the voice of our “inner guru through stillness” and not to listen to the “babbling voices of the night” rather than to our own Buddha Self. “There is a time and a season for all to be resolved and that time within you is now.” Morya explains, for example, that by decrying the voice of the guru given through the messengers, there is the stifling of the voice of our own Buddha nature. This then makes it more difficult for us to discern, to hear and to understand. Referring to Kuan Yin’s just completed 33 days of instruction on the facets and qualities of Mercy, El Morya says that “Mercy has come and Justice now sits in her seat of authority for the karmic and cosmic scales to be balanced within you.”

The Master cautions all that serve the Universal Great White Brotherhood to be careful with their words and to “Speak words of truth and only that which you know of firsthand for all else is unreality and another’s experience which is not yours to know or muse on.”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning’s rosary and prayer service.

080216 Nada

Service to Life in Practical Ways is Key

Emanating the fragrance of love from her heart, Beloved Nada increased the love fires of transmutation to assist “those who are even now awakening to their own Buddha nature.” She comes speaking to the hearts of children, and also asks us to inspire the natural curiosity of children by providing “through art and music and even science that which will speak to their hearts and enfold naturally unto them both the ancient wisdom of the masters of truth and of the current technologies that may bring that truth into a new form of reality for them to understand.”

As Nada reminds us of the many seemingly forgotten children, she asks us to pray for those within the gangs and “for those who are the lost ones, who have no where to turn.” She tells us to “show them how to turn inward, how to raise up their hearts and their minds for greater understanding and connectivity to their own Higher Self.”

Nada also tells us that even the seemingly menial tasks such as washing dishes, cleaning our homes, attending to the needs of our families and children when done “with presence and joy and great love” are part of our spiritual path, and there God will be emanating through our heart, our hands and our mind one with the divine.

We can all follow the example of Beloved Nada, as she concludes her message today, to “serve ever to set life free” and to “love all.”

080216 Magda

Prepare for the Day of Permanency in God

During this morning’s giving of the Rosary, beloved Mother Mary and the Ascended Lady Master Magda performed “a spiritual recalibration of your [our] inner blueprint toward the perfectionment of your [our] soul with your [our] spirit” in preparation for our becoming the fullness of our God Presence even before “the day of divine glory” of the ascension ritual. Magda spoke to us of the importance of this sacred ritual for the “bonding of [our] heart to the heart of God and eventually also to your [our] beloved twin flame whether ascended or not.”

A few years ago, Magda gave us the beautiful mantra “I live and move and have my being within a living, liquid crystal diamond of light.” As we have given this mantra and taken it to heart, the Angels of the Sixth Ray have been ministering to our soul and spirit “for the holy purpose of preparing you [us] for the day of permanency in God, of complete union” whereby we will know the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, soul and spirit because we have loved him and have let his love live within us “to sing a sweet song of divine ecstasy” where we are.

Magda comes today to Los Angeles, the city of the angels, to “bring many hearts to an awareness of the love of Jesus” and to remind us of his calling to each of us last night to be his disciples. Describing the words of Jesus given 2000 years ago as “living and real engrams of fire,” she tells us that in this hour as Jesus has moved “onward and upward in the stream of God consciousness. . .through this current discipleship you [we] may have access to the cosmic frequencies that flow through his awareness of God as one Light, one Love, one Beingness in the purity of joy and transcendency.”

080216 Jesus

Be the Flower of the Christ Principle on Behalf of Many for the Age of Aquarius to Come into it’s Full Manifestation

During Friday night’s first session of the Los Angeles Valentine’s Day Weekend event, in a holy moment of perfect peace, brotherhood and oneness, the Lord Jesus anchored “the living presence of the Christ consciousness as a permanent focus for all souls to realize their full potential.” He then asked all to be his personal disciples, to “manifest the fullness of [our] Christ Presence throughout each day for the remainder of [our] incarnation upon earth,” by daily attuning to his heart, by valuing who we are “in God’s eyes, in God’s heart,” and by the acceptance “of the possibility of cosmic Christ attainment and God Self-realization” right where we are.

Jesus announced that at inner levels Friday night, there was the “passing of the torch” between the ages of Pisces unto Aquarius in a greater measure then ever before. “It is as if Aquarius which many look to, to fully manifest upon earth is now over 50% in manifestation, and the energies of Pisces receding is less than 50% still manifest upon the earth.” The key for the full manifestation of the Age of Aquarius must occur within each of us as the lessons we have learned during Pisces are applied as we “overcome all doubt and fear by the power of God Self-mastery and move into the power of love of the new age of Aquarius.”

The Goal is Union!

Know That God Is Present Where You Are!

Djwal Kul, beloved Tibetan master now ascended, spoke to us during this final day of the Valentine Weekend event to clarify for us the purpose of our spiritual practices. As we meditate on our “inner being and work from the within out, the ascended masters come to augment [our] work, for they see that [we] have caught a glimpse of reality.” This inner work is the most important of this embodiment for us.

As we still the mind in reverence and listen to the “inner voice of conscience,” we are moved “into a field of connectivity with [our] Source,” allowing us to hear the voice of God within.

In the West, we make the mistacke of substituting outer busy-ness for spiritual progress. It is in stillness that we can move with lightning speed “co-creating with God a beautiful new world of beingness, truth, understanding.” It is devotion daily to the sacred fire within, this maintenance of contact, that is the key to moving forward. How the world needs the mindful ones! Djwal Kul encourages us to teach this by our example.

Yes, we would experience the “bliss of silence and peace,” but this is not meant to be the goal of our practice of meditation. The goal is “union and an understanding of who God is within.” The goal is to accomplish for that day the works of God, as he emanates through our every thought, word and action. The goal is to live in the “joy of knowing that God is present where you are.”

He assures us that we “are moving into cosmic consciousness and reminds us to continually manifest this consciousness “in some way through the works of [our] hands, the joys of [our] heart and the grace that comes even through the immaculate image [we] hold of others as [we] bless them through [our] eyes.”

In closing beloved Djwal Kul breathes upon us the breath of life. He sees “the starfire radiance glowing in [our] aura” as he is “raised in bliss in observance of the God-ness, the suchness of the Spirit who [we] are.”


080214 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #33

Heartfulness” is the Art of Giving Love

Today, Valentine’s Day, our mother of mercy and sister of love the Beloved Kuan Yin, completes her thirty-three days of enfolding us in her presence and discoursing on the many facets of the divine virtue of mercy. Kuan Yin tells us that all of these missives from her heart are ours “to bestow through their radiance upon many the graces of Mercy.” She also reminds us that it is only “from a point of stillness and presence that the light may fully flow through you [us] for the conversion of those elements of the not-self within others. . .into the divine elements of the Real Self.” Although this is truly the work of the Higher Self of each one, yet we may each be “the instrument for the transfer of light” such that others may receive “through the nexus of heartfulness, the transformative fires of mercy.”

Kuan Yin “completes her light spirals with a flourish, a blessing and a bow to the Buddha within,” and with a message to heartfriends around the world that “as together this body of heartfriends holds the matrix of mindfulness and greater spiritual presence on behalf of earth’s evolutions, the earth may receive the blessing of Mercy that will truly transform the earth into the new day.”

Click here to access today’s discourse and all thirty-three days of Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #33

  • Self-realization through the circle of forgiveness will move you swiftly toward your goal of Buddhic awareness because mercy lives in the heart of the Buddha.

  • Mercy beautifully reflects back the causes of your personal denial of Selfhood in freedom’s light. This moment of truth is a key for your final victory over Mara.

  • Finding the point of motionlessness within, you may then be poised to experience the fullness of Mercy’s mindfulness and initiations.

  • Mercy is resolute in helping convert your heart into a shining lotus wheel of love.

  • Understanding the context of your origin in light, you may more easily move into perfect presence through Mercy’s silent and gentle spiritual proddings.

  • Mercy creates a sacred flowfield around you which safeguards your work on your inner psychology while simultaneously countermanding the tyrant ego dweller.

  • Familiarity with the divine lawgiver’s predilections allows Mercy to delicately communicate with Justice in order to take full advantage of all karmic loopholes on behalf of those she serves.

  • Mercy’s spiritual concoctions are never insipid.

  • Generous in her appeal and soft in her approach, Mercy disarms the vilest of your internal criminal elements so that you can see with full spiritual objectivity.

  • Mercy’s charismatic but subtle exorcisms are performed artfully within the minds and souls of her clients without even a trace of a battle or a backlash.

  • The zenith of Mercy’s radiance is reserved for abject demons.

  • Mercy completes her light spirals with a flourish, a blessing and a bow to the Buddha within you.

Missives of Mercy from the Heart of Kuan Yin #32 - Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #32

  • Visionary heartreach may be expanded through Mercy’s intuitive approach to soul-raising. Pray to her to clear away the protectors of ignorance and darkness.

  • Mercy’s great intelligence in co-opting planetary devas to aid her cause has won the admiration of the most advanced of cosmic servitors.

  • Preparation for all your spiritual events may be accomplished with less stress when Mercy is in the midst of all your communiqués and plans.

  • Mercy’s intention is always the delivery of freedom to souls to move into greater presence of mind and largesse of heart.

  • One of Mercy’s flagships for youthful idealism is the Peace Corps.

  • Mercy is the ever-present reality of light that moves souls to accept their fate of divine perfectionment through loving kindness.

  • Regardless of human opinion, especially during times of great catastrophe and destruction, God has always been merciful.

  • Mercy’s song always contains the soothing balm of a mother’s comforting voice.

  • Developing an ongoing relationship with Mercy may take years, but the payoff in Buddhic awareness is worth the long hours of your inner work.

  • Mercy’s appearance rarely packs much pomp but always precipitates an immense presence of peace.

  • When you are having trouble getting a project off the ground, call to Mercy’s busy bee bodhisattvas.

  • Mercy’s template for success: fiercely forgive, strive in service, live to love.

What Is a Spiritual Dispensation?

A Mercy from Heaven

After beloved Kuan Yin delivered today’s Missives, our El Morya gave an in-depth explanation of the meaning of a spiritual dispensation and specifically what the dispensation of The Hearts Center movement means to all of heaven and what it can mean for the earth.

A dispensation is a “grant of energy that the ascended masters secure on behalf of earth’s evolution and lightbearers” to assist mankind toward greater growth through a specific movement, teaching or project. This grant of energy needs the approval of one or more ascended master councils and an assurance from the recipients that the grant will perform its intended goal in them of spiritual growth and enlightenment through their practical efforts in service and prayer work.

El Morya told us that dispensations of the magnitude of The Hearts Center movement are not easy to come by. And it is only because of the sacrificial prayer and service of some on earth and promises of support made by them before embodying, that this dispensation has been given. It is because one or more disciples offered to be the ones able to sustain contact with the divine world as amanuenses in order to provide guidance, direction, teaching.

He explained that the teaching that comes through each succeeding dispensation descends on a higher spiral of light energy and is made possible by the sponsoring ascended masters who have “laid down their lives,” offering a portion of their attainment to secure these grants from the mercy of heaven. In this way, through the sacrifice of those on earth and in heaven “the Community of the Holy Spirit worldwide may move forward.”

El Morya stressed the great importance to our movement and the world of the securing of the Wellspring property quickly. He also invited each of us to attend the Freedom Conference in June, reminding us to bring along new friends so that all may partake of great personal healing and assist in the work of bringing about profound planetary blessing.

With expressions of gratitude for our service, beloved El Morya completed his message by saying, “To those that have offered help, I give thanks. To those that have given, I embrace you…. Thus I deliver my fire which is mercy this day for your soul.”

Click here to access the audio of today’s Missives, El Morya’s entire message and the morning rosary service.

080212 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #31

Grace Is to the West What Mercy Is to the East

Beloved Kuan Yin began this morning with a most wonderful discourse in answer to a heartfriend’s question on the difference between grace and mercy. “Grace is the beneficence of God’s spirit uncolored in its divine radiance. It simply is the very essence of His being which flows through the prism of the Christ to all. Mercy is grace, manifest and colored with the hue of violet pink joy, which is given for the specific purpose of blessing the soul towards its acceptance through forgiveness of divine grace. “

She said that, “Mercy is the means whereby God consoles those who have been oppressed through their own lack of God self awareness. . .” And that since Grace and Mercy augment each other’s work as feminine blessings, we may desire to say as the “Hail Mary,” “Hail Kuan Yin, full of Mercy, the Mother Light is with thee.”

Kuan Yin then gave this description of grace and mercy, “The manifestation of Grace descends as a spiritual “powdered sugar substance” whereas Mercy, whose crystalline manifestation is ensconced in violet pink radiance, may be ingested as an elixir of soul-freedom. . . .They are as entwining vines rising up the trellis in the caduceus action, veritably they are the Mother’s outpicturing of holy love for you which comes as a hush, as an inner knowing, as a bestowal of wonderment in the now.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and the Morning Rosary service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #31

  • Mercy is the dew the earth offers the feet of playful children who arise early to greet the dawn with joyful expectation of today’s miracles.

  • Although some think Mercy a fanciful maiden, she in fact brings the greatest divine fantasies into play in the present through her divine magic.

  • Mercy finds the highest good within your problems and then radiates so much love into it that she illumines it for your soul to take notice. She then continues to hold the highest hope that you will choose to follow the light.

  • Mercy models the bodhisattva way with great grace and beauty.

  • Those who make mercy a priority in their life will always find a way to share the beneficent gifts that she bestows.

  • Mercy is the essence of each flowering plant, the presence of peace of each gentle elemental, the quiet radiance of each soul who has found her purpose.

  • Every attitude of gratitude draws the harmonious strains of Mercy’s symphony closer to your ears and deeper to your heart.

  • Mercy smilingly condones every bold act of loving kindness, every determined means of manifesting charity on behalf of the humble and needy.

  • Once you have embraced the bodhisattva way, you will feel and know each moment as an opportunity to extend the grace of Mercy’s love to all life.

  • Mercy patiently waits for you to awaken to your Buddha nature.

  • Let your soul be a nurturing friend to and a playful field for all God’s children.

  • Mercy’s enigmatic adventures into the psyche of each evolving soul and her daring advances to inculcate peace into the hearts of mankind would fill volumes.


080211 Saint Bernadette

Saint Bernadette Comes Emanating Purity on This, Her Feast Day

We were also graced this morning with a Heartstream from the Ascended Lady Master Saint Bernadette. The messenger had spoken of her and of her feast day and what is taking place today in Lourdes as thousands of pilgrims come to the grotto where Mother Mary appeared to her. Saint Bernadette affirmed that the very presence of Mary still emanates from this focal point of light and devotion.

She went on to speak about The Hearts Center’s pilgrimages, “The focal points of devotion around the earth are portals for the work of the angels of healing and mercy and grace. And thus as you make your pilgrimages to sacred sites you tap into the frequencies of all of these devotional prayers and through your own understanding and spiritual practice you can deliver great graces to the earth through the vehicle of your soul one with your spirit. Every journey of love that you take with our messengers is one that will enable you, in a certain sense, to fully outpicture your own divine plan and the greater glory of who you are in God…”

We have the gift of the violet light and are not required in this dispensation to bear world karma as physically as Saint Bernadette did. “So,” she said, “use this sacred resource of the spirit liberally, and see great heartstreams of violet-joy love transmuting the past and enabling many to perceive their own higher nature as God-real beings.” Saint Bernadette affirmed that she is with us as we pray the rosary to Mary and to the archeiai each day.

Click here to access and listen to Saint Bernadette’s entire message along with the Morning Rosary service and Kuan Yin’s Missives of Mercy.

080211 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #30

You Cannot Capture Beauty or Mercy Except with the Butterfly Net of Holy Love

“…and then when you have observed her grace it is time to let her fly free again.” So began beloved Kuan Yin this morning in a sweet rendering of further examples of Mercy. “Mercy is the joy of drinking in the playful colors of a garden’s offering. It is the aroma of the strawberry, the dance of the walking stick, the nurturing comfort of the rays of the sun. But most of all it is the spirit that lives within you as consciousness, as deep knowing of the love of the one within your heart and of the all abiding presence of cosmic joy that you may always experience by taking time to be still and entering the door of oneness.”

As she wove new threads of mercy light around us and through us, calling it a “sacred stitchery”, she reminded us to revere all life. “May the blessing of your Buddha nature flow through you. May you revere all life and may the holiness of your own awareness, the God Light within, expand. A kiss of mercy I bestow toward your holy work. Peace, dear sister. Eternal friendship is yours, dear brother.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and the Morning Rosary service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #30

  1. Mindful of Mercy at all times, bodhisattvas focus on the work of the spirit through practical and charitable work.

  2. Valuing the light of Mercy as an ever-present inspiration, disciples of divine love replenish heaven’s spiritual reservoirs through their various sacred devotions.

  3. The humble mercy flame of the Solar Lords and Ladies is wonderful to behold.

  4. Parents and teachers should model for children how to be compassionate through simple acts of mercy and kindness.

  5. Mercy is inviolate in its healing ability but ever changing in its applications.

  6. Be merciful to all creatures. Be kind to all pets. Be caring to all life.

  7. When you enter the virgin consciousness through purity of thought and feeling, Mercy comes to engage you in higher alchemies of divine love.

  8. The path of the Buddha, the wandering of Krishna, the journey of Zarathustra, the way of the Christ, the travels of Confucius and the Tao of Lao Tse are all linked by Mercy’s heartstreams.

  9. Every strata of Mother Earth benefits from the emanations of mercy light from your heart.

  10. As your response to the needy is manifest so will the response of the ladies of Mercy be in your time of need.

  11. An ounce of Mercy’s preparation of presence translates to a gallon of heaven’s best healing remedy elixir.

  12. Where and when you render your best selflessness, there and then Mercy suffuses your work with beauty.

080210 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #29

Mercy is the very Whisper of Conscience within You

That may be Heard in Stillness


fter sharing the missives of her heart today, Kuan Yin discoursed on mercy as a natural key to our own divinity locked within the secret chamber of our hearts. "The presence of mercy is everywhere, but have you listened, have you discerned, have you truly understood her nature?" She spoke of sweetness, caring and harmony, and of the law of love as a sonnet that God sings within us. In her simple words, "Human justification for your current station in life is no excuse for a lack of mercy within your heart."

Service is the Key for You to Receive the Constant Inspiration of Mercy's Mind

"I open now a new petal of love-mercy within your heart which has been dormant to date. Feel the radiance of this new offering and use this dispensation of grace today to serve another." Through the ritual of love-mercy, Kuan Yin's melody may be ours. We can sing the holy thoughts of love-wisdom with Buddha and "…emanate with Mother the gracious heartstreams of care for all life."

Click here to access this discourse in full as well as today's darshan and the Town Hall Meeting.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #29

· Those who would involve themselves in planetary divine planning must have Mercy 101, 201 and 301 as prerequisites, under their belts.

· Mercy escorts those with creative imaginations to cosmic consciousness where they may see clearly how every heart ideation may be a co-creative miracle.

· At the center of all benevolent transmutation the adept always discerns the heart of Mercy.

· Planetary mercy necessitates intercession from the Solar Lords and Ladies.

· Mercy is known among God’s physicians as a last responder.

· The sum total of your life’s conscious acts of kindness and mercy determines the heights of cosmic bliss to which you may rise.

· Mercy light is God’s seventh-ray delight.

· The Buddha’s constant meditation includes infinite heartstreams and thoughtforms of mercy.

· Mercy unveils herself only to the childlike and humble of heart.

· Every blessing bestowed creates an etheric missive of mercy that is delivered by the four winds devas everywhere.

· Though unmovable from its roots, every tree sways to Mercy’s rhythm.

· God is a cosmic dramatist who knows that when the play is over mercy prevails.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #28 - Saturday, February 09, 2008

Holding the Divine Vision Is the Greatest Act of Mercy

  • Mercy is a master at positive reinforcement of your inner contact and contract with your Source.

  • Shambhala is reserved for the charitable, the merciful and the compassionate.

  • Mercy is a kind of divine grace that none can resist except the haughty.

  • Every attempt of the ego to subordinate the real within you is directly countered by the gentle reminders of Mercy.

  • Mercy says that Darwin got it wrong: the origin of the human species is divine.

  • To be merciful to others begin by valuing life within every particle and cell of your own universe.

  • The flowering of Mercy’s handiwork within a lost soul is beautiful and always brings tears of joy to the Divine One.

  • Enlightenment is carefully preceded by Mercy’s soulful ministrations.

  • Mercy long ago redefined sin as forgetfulness and karma as cyclic opportunity.

  • One of Mercy’s goals is to uproot human (t)error by sowing seeds of love-wisdom everywhere. Her twin, Justice, is her joyous and insightful reaper.

  • Every resident of the Holy City is greeted by Mercy’s messengers.

  • Mercy and forgiveness will help you rewrite your own karmic history and destiny.

    Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer service.

The Immaculate Concept

After the sharing of today’s Missives, David read a teaching explaining that maintaining the “immaculate concept” meant visualizing and focusing on the perfect image of a person, idea, situation or project thereby creating the atmosphere that would allow that perfection to manifest with greater ease. We create an actual energy field of purity when we are able to hold a concept of beauty and wholeness in this manner. This type of visualization and feeling is a form of “holy, unspoken prayer.”

Our highest example of one who embraces each of us as she did the Lord Jesus in this atmosphere of perpetual perfection is Mother Mary. And it is the calling of all mothers, all fathers, all teachers to practice this sacred science for the children in their care. The flowering of children occurs in this supportive atmosphere along with wise guidance and discipline.

We are reminded to first practice holding the immaculate concept for ourselves. Only then are we able to do this for others and life’s situations. This is the way to create a golden age consciousness upon earth.

Practice Conscious Cooperation with the Subtle World

After the reading, beloved Kuan Yin tells us that mercy is all about holding the divine vision and that we are to practice this science and art for portions of our day until we are able to sustain it constantly. Every situation has the perfect solution. And when we employ this “conscious cooperation with the subtle world” those solutions appear. Cultivating a childlike spirit of expectation and acting upon our true identity as co-creators with God are keys in maintaining this divine vision.

080207 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #26

This Science of Presence is Key for Each and Every One Who Desires as a Bodhisattva of Love to Sustain the World in Perfect Peace

Kuan Yin opens the portal of mercy within our hearts and deposits within the sacred chalice upon the heart’s altar “the new divine fuel for the flame to burn cleanly now within [us].” The world is nourished by the steady light that emanates from this flame. In order to sustain this flame, each of us must learn more of the “Science of Presence” so that we are able to maintain contact with our Presence—living in harmony without pretense, sustain our attunement and handle all that comes our way with equanimity.

The beloved Goddess of Mercy affirms for us that she is the “stream and the flow of light that sustains all true bodhisattvas of love in their sacred work, in their service to humanity, in their life mission to bring the oil of kindness and compassion to every son and daughter, to all hearts upturned for grace.” Therefore, we each become “that point of reality within the mosaic of Mercy today for all to see and know that greater awareness that is rightfully theirs as co-creators of the One.”

Even as the Divine Mothers sing to our souls each night as we sleep, Kuan Yin asks us to sing with them “to every soul who would partake of God’s great bounty and fare of beingness at the table of the Lord.”

Be the Voice of Mercy through Practical Heartreach

Kuan Yin spoke to us of heartreach as “the extension of one’s beingness unto others in grace. It is a holy offering given with compassion for souls who would understand more of the inner mysteries of light, of the teachings of the ascended masters, of the law of their own being.”

As we engage in heartreach, there is the “flowering of wisdom” within us also. Kuan Yin tells us that “Every heartreach effort that [we] engage in strengthens [our] own connectedness with [our] God Presence. For in the reality of givingness through these means, there is the figure-eight flow whereby [we] are also sustained with greater light energy through the nexus of the Christ and the Buddha who are the mediators of the expressions of Presence through [us] to others, and likewise from others to [us]. As [we] teach so [we] too are taught and as [we] learn so too others may learn by example.”

Overshadowed by the presence of the masters and augmented by the just completed Hearts Center DVDs, Kuan Yin impels us each to unfold a plan heart to heart and to begin this sacred work today.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #26

  • Mercy impresses her love and care upon souls and in situations where all others have given up in futility.

  • Fortunes are often made by might but more often kept by the grace of Mercy.

  • If you are disposed to Mercy’s offerings you will never be dispossessed by her.

  • Mercy is never flighty, though her expressive flights are beautiful to behold.

  • Even as Justice fathers and principles you, so Mercy mothers and values you.

  • Every merciful act leaves a lotus light impression in the ethers which blesses all who come within its radiance.

  • Mercy first wears down those who erode hope among mankind until her soothing measures erase the pain of existence outside of the pure bliss of beingness.

  • Frame your day with hopeful expectation even as you paint it with Mercy’s hues.

  • Those who work with the earth, the air, the fire and the water naturally have a greater sensitivity to the etheric musings and ministrations of Mercy.

  • Mercy’s work is always voluntary.

  • Centered upon the lotus seat of perfect presence Mercy sings unceasingly to all those who have, through forgetfulness, forsaken the voice of conscience.

  • I am the divine embellishment of all hearts with the Spirit oil of Mercy-love.

080206 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #25

Liquid Crystal Mercy Light—

The Resolution Solution

Today, Kuan Yin comes singing a new song of hope and asking us to take our Higher Selves more seriously so that we may no longer live on the periphery of Selfhood but enter the center of being, free to be who we are. In today’s missives, this Lady of Mercy from the East tells us that, as a principled teacher, Mercy allows us to grade our own spiritual progress with a soulful look at the effects of our choices while simultaneously giving us “the promising qualities of life-changing grace.”

How can we move closer to the oversoul of the corona of Mercy?” We are given two keys. Kuan Yin tells us that if we embrace our own Higher Selves in the totality of its first six dimensions, we may then enter the seventh ray action whereby complete forgiveness of all and to all may manifest within our worlds. Secondly, we are told that as we speak our aves and hum our mantras to Kuan Yin, we can use the rising mother flow to wash us clean of all past distractions toward our divine plan, moving into higher tiers of understanding of the mercy light within.

We are asked to sing, pray and emanate mercy and to be for the earth “the perfect glowing ember even through the cold night of [our] soul’s orbit until one day [we] shall be fully received within the great Sun Presence of love never more to go out into the vanity of the lesser self but living fully within the unity of the One Heart of Mercy.”

She inscribed the law of the Budhi Ones within our hearts and bade us study this law to know her heart always.

Missives of Mercy from my Heart #25

  • Have you signed a protracted agreement with Mercy to air her missives?

  • Mercy may help you to fully divest yourself of your old stock, for then the bonds of your karma may also be dissolved.

  • Become Mercy’s heir.

  • Mercy’s protoplasm is electrostatic joy in inspiring others to love.

  • When accepted, Mercy’s propositions always carry you to the fount of inner joy.

  • Allow Mercy to let down her angel hair in your Presence.

  • Mercy will occasionally chide you to embrace or take your Self, your Higher Self more seriously.

  • Mercy’s gifts are always replete with the subtleties of holy love and the promising qualities of life-changing grace.

  • Fortunate are those who have made Mercy the prime director of their internal affairs as well as the chief conductor of their outer vocational work.

  • As a principled teacher, Mercy allows you to grade your own spiritual progress with a soulful look at the effects of your choices.

  • Refining you in the gentle, warming hearth fires of forgiveness and compassion is the work of the vestal Mercy devas.

  • Let the products of your imagination be merciful and radiant to others.

080204 Kuan Yin Missives #23

The Miraculous Violet Laser Light

At the behest of Kuan Yin, the messenger read a short exposition on the violet laser light as key to the expansion of mercy within us. This accelerated and focused frequency of the violet transmuting fire can be a great boon in transmuting subconscious blocks and patterns of darkness that hold us back in our soul development. By first dissolving certain underlying paradigms which we often do not even fully know that we have held in the basement of consciousness for lifetimes and then replacing them with positive new engrams and crystalline light patterns, we can quickly move into higher levels of divine gnosis on our spiritual path. The violet laser light is truly miraculous in its ability to help us change from living as humans to realizing our true Buddha or divine nature as God-free beings of light!

This Gift of God Can Move Us from the Past to the Future

To the Present of Manifesting Present Love

Kuan Yin then expanded upon the teaching on the Violet Laser Light, telling us that unless we master this science of self transformation we cannot fully be instruments for world freedom. But, “once you have established a firm foundation of maintaining presence through the use of the violet light daily, then the angels of mercy and freedom come unto you, surround you and give you those great God boons that will assist you in all your work and service to humanity…As more and more of you master the resources already bestowed through utilizing this gift of violet laser light, working on yourself and applying this highest technology of the spirit within your world and daily life, then you will be called at the appropriate time and space to be a spokesperson for the new age within the context of those to whom you have been called to serve.”

Click here to access and listen to the entire message from Kuan Yin and to participate in the Morning Rosary Service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #23

  • Mercy is guileless, never voicing invective and living solely to assist life.

  • The precision and swiftness of Mercy’s decision-making is awesome to behold, for it is born of complete attunement with the Universal Mind.

  • Mercy is adept at first softening your heart, after which she then works you out to develop and strengthen the fire within.

  • Mothers and fathers-to-be must be taught the science of prenatal care, whereby as they nourish the unborn they allow Mercy a new voice to the world.

  • To the hard-hearted and dim-witted Mercy is the best physician and therapist.

  • True spiritual empowerment comes to those who master themselves by passing each lesson of Mercy.

  • There is no secret formula for mercy’s appearance though it has everything to do with reverence for life and selfless loving service.

  • Mercy assists you in moving from simple contemplation to Buddhic mindfulness.

  • Every rocky relationship may be healed when Mercy is acknowledged as present and when her wisdom is applied.

  • Mercy says: Turn off every mindset of judgment, every egoic pattern of human justification.

  • Refrain from making Mercy truant through caustic remarks about others. Every form of gossip sends her packing.

  • Every new bodhisattva increases Mercy’s family.

080203 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #22

Be Still! and Know Mercy Within, O People of Light

As a "lotus of mercy light," Kuan Yin extended that light to every heart today. She spoke to her aspiring devotees close at hand while she also addressed the interlopers and destroyers. She raised her hands to stay the darkness upon her children in Tibet, in China, and in Burma and in every nation where mercy has been trampled upon by the unmerciful ones. "Let mankind awaken and receive the gift of the Buddha, his lotus love, his wisdom, his heartfire." A stern warning was given to the leaders of all nations as the Lords of Karma promised a quick, personal return tenfold of the light misqualified.

She assured the children of the light that freedom will prevail in due time for those who listen to the law of love within. To those who choose to ignore the light of their very being vouchsafed to their souls in the beginning, she warned of the woes of their choices: "Thus learn the law of mercy this day and by the hands of Kuan Yin and the flow of light from my sacred vase, even the vial of mercy… ye shall know the law of your own being that comes to you as cosmic justice and mercy as one." She took her leave saying, "I am Kuan Shi Yin, Saviouress of the holy ones of mercy." And she directed the giving of the prayer 20.009, "The Days are Shortened for the Elect." Click here to listen to all of her discourse given after she shared these "Missives" of her heart for today:

  • Mercy’s every fragrance in some way accentuates the flowering of your heart.

  • Seeing the truth at the core of your soul’s inner travail, you may find the most auspicious solution for its resolution through the super-resonance of mercy.

  • The foundation for a world of compassion is rooted in the lotus of mercy light.

  • All spiritual freedom is built upon the backs of the laborers of mercy.

  • Let not your love affair with mercy be provisional; let it be forever.

  • Finding the point of stillness within your heart is continuous work. Mercy is the perfect life coach throughout this journey.

  • A fallow auric field may become fertile through meditation upon Mercy.

  • Expressing mercy is the most subtle but loving way of transmuting past karma.

  • Mercy softens the hearts of the contentious through a vast variety of methods though each one contains a similar scent of compassion.

  • Mercy distills one of the most refined and foolproof spirits of sensitivity.

  • Blessed are the merciful ones, for they shall receive and retain Mercy.

  • Daily fellowship with Mercy brings the same blessings to those serving as to those being served.

080202 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #21

To Know Greater Light and Love Allow Mercy to Reign Within You

Kuan Yin this morning speaks to us of the nuances of Mercy that we “may partake of in a daily diet of beholding God within.” When we do this, there may be “the present reality of great joy, of acceptance at the highest level, and of that blessedness that comes when attuned to the very heart of God—the flow of light and the sound of angel wings” that may surround us.

Kuan Yin suggests each morning as we arise that we perceive the light of our Solar Presence shining all around and all through us, and then we will know “that there is no darkness where that Sun Presence is.” And furthermore, she continues, “the light shining from within [us] as a very sun reality of that Mercy-grace is the key to [our] victory each day as [we] become more fully an emanating one, a sun source of radiance to all life.”

The beloved Goddess of Mercy concludes her message this morning by reminding us that she abides with us “in the interconnectedness through the stream of Mercy.” Today she provides a new journey of love for us to walk upon with her, and asks us “to shine with [her] and to grace the earth with our togetherness in mercy.”

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #21

  • Freedom from despair, darkness and Self-denial is the gift Mercy brings to all.

  • Mercy’s tender care is as the action of water during the gentle wash cycle you use on delicate fabrics. So should your communication and interactions with others also be.

  • To understand the flight of Mercy, study the hummingbird.

  • The transcendence of Mercy may be likened to the feeling you have when gazing upon the feathery, angel-clouds high above the earth on a clear blue-sky day.

  • It is impossible for the Creator to ignore Mercy’s coercive and repetitive requests.

  • Create a sacred space for Mercy to abide within you, give it a special name and invite her often. This may be your own Edenic “my-space.”

  • When you willingly behold and accentuate the joyous light of perfection within others then Mercy alights to freshen up your own aura with her graces.

  • Mercy’s first lesson to those trapped in sorrow and pain is to release the past into a flame of present forgiveness, acceptance and peace.

  • Spiritual intuitives have learned never to suppress their own higher mercy feelings and thus they become sensitive to the soul callings of others.

  • Every reflection upon Mercy brings her gentle spirit to your awareness through the grace of your own Presence who has always known her secrets.

  • Mercy prefers to respond rather than to reject, to renew rather than to refute, to relate rather than to rejoin and finally to relieve and rejuvenate rather than to reprove and recriminate.

  • Mercy says: Value the impressive within everyone—their inner, miracle light.

080201 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #20

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #20

  • Parenting is one of the greatest opportunities to express mercy unto souls with whom you often have the greatest personal karma. Serving them with compassion day after day, mercy is consciously passed forward to the next generation.

  • Finding your inner source of joy lays a foundation for Mercy to be yours forever.

  • The merciful ones exhibit selfless grace through their every thought, feeling, word and action—all of which are part of her vast new movement toward global peace.

  • To fully behold and uphold mercy within brings the beginnings of radical forgive-ness into play, which when fulfilled will manifest in planetary transformation.

  • All of nature is sentient and thus feels the emotions and thoughts of mankind. Be merciful to nature and nature will bow to the light within you.

  • From a point of presence within the heart of Mercy, emanate respect for everyone’s freedom to be who they are without the illicit complications of your limited human opinions or feelings.

  • Mercy is the active joy of love, which ministers to the lowly and forgotten ones.

  • It takes greater mastery to conquer by mercy than by might.

  • Reflecting upon the wonderment, innocence and purity of newborn babies, you enter the living presence of nascent Mercy.

  • Being merciful ultimately brings you greater good fortune and untold blessings.

  • The Creator’s awareness of mercy may become yours through conscious cooperation with the bodhisattvas of the Spirit.

  • Mercy’s profound sense of responsibility to serve until freedom from want is firmly implanted in the soul and across the Earth has won her the acclaim of the highest Virtues in heaven.

Awaken Each Morning with Expectant Joy!

After reading her missives, beloved Kuan Yin inspired us today regarding our early mornings, asking if we arise with a perception of the new world that awaits us. She then suggested that we may emanate light to all “in the expectant joy of being a vessel of mercy to a planet.” Kuan Yin said that as we exercise mercy’s forgiveness to transmute past hurt and “ungraciousness toward God and one another,” we are lifted ever higher. “In joy, sing of mercy’s light each morn” when you arise to greet the dawn. “In love, emanate mercy’s radiance with something new to offer to the creator, to your Higher Self, and to the light within every son and daughter of God.”

Then Kuan Yin gave inspiration for our meditations, suggesting we see “radiance of mercy impressing itself through every photonic particle of light” and “vast currents of streams of light” blessing all sentient life. “See the ladies of mercy augmenting, embellishing, and transferring that mercy light to one and all.” From her Temple of Mercy, Kuan Yin sends ‘missives and missiles’ of joy and mercy to all who call to her.

Kuan Yin suggested, “Let radical forgiveness be your byword,” asking us to forgive ourselves and all others. And as she finished her message of mercy, she said again to each of us “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message.

080131 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #19

I AM the Simple Joy of Loving Mercy

Beloved Kuan Yin’s gentle presence of mercy enters our hearts and souls this morning giving us an ever deeper understanding of “the stillness and the quiescence that comes when [we] are fully attuned to [our] source” as key to bringing love and mercy to mankind and this planet.

To be mercy and thus to be able to emanate mercy, we begin with silent contemplation until we make contact with the heart of God. “And then through the very portal of [our] own being one with God’s heart, [we] begin to feel an increase in the blessedness of grace that flows through this divine connection.” When we can “feel this nurturing energy welling up from within [us], flowing and sustaining a certain action of presence and inner peace,” then we can be both “the receptacle for the energies of divine mercy and a point of origin upon earth for their delivery.”

Kuan Yin affirms that “living within [our] Presence is the key to [our] divinity” as the source of mercy within us is “the very present reality of God’s eternal light.” When we can “feel, acknowledge and then blaze forth this radiance,” then the words we speak in our prayers will have the dynamic impact required “for the sustaining of the worlds.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message as well as the Morning Prayer service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #19

  • One day the merciful will be acknowledged for their valiant stand for real love.

  • Your spiritual progress is always accelerated by a merciful attitude toward life.

  • Emanating instant forgiveness while being abused creates a secret portal to the divine world whereby you may experience compassion’s healing by devas and bodhisattvas of mercy.

  • While you observe the news engender deep feelings of mercy toward all life.

  • Once you’ve quietly filled the chalice of your heart with the oil of devotion, Mercy comes to set it ablaze with her gentle sparks of kindness.

  • Heartlessness is simply ignorance of one’s inner mercy child.

  • The most profound healings in some way always involve the soulful ministrations of mercy.

  • Every inner acceptance of mercy allows the divine light a greater vessel through which to glow within you.

  • The value of Mercy’s beatitudes cannot be overestimated or overstated.

  • In past golden ages, those who ruled were chosen because of their inner wisdom, born of their merciful hearts.

  • Silence the tempestuous through a steady stream of mercy light.

  • The fragrance of mercy may always be yours if you choose the avenue of love over the road of resistance.