071129 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #6

During this period until Christmas in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.

Throughout the day, as we meditate upon these words and the keys within them, we will have new levels of understanding; we will be uplifted in this spirit of joy and become a cosmic distributor of joy to many, many souls.

  • Our heavenly laughing gas is concentrated joy.

  • Every fairy godmother who exists in the minds and hearts of children may really be so through the intercession of the angels of joy.

  • Divine lightning carries megajoules of joy.

  • My formula for increasing joy: serve, serve and serve again.

  • The institution that includes the greatest health benefits and retirement perks and promotes everlasting joy is the kingdom of God!

  • Impound my vessel of joy.

  • Pine is one element of joy’s fragrance.

  • You inhale particles of joy into your spiritual circuitry between each quick breath when you engage in hasya yoga or what we term divine laughter therapy.

  • Joy is Fortuna’s backup.

  • Providential intercessions are always meticulously planned by the marketing angels who serve under the auspices of Joy.

  • Reliance upon God as the honey of joy is brought to bear in all sticky situations.

  • That which carries joy to the meek and humble of heart is their true inheritance.