071128 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #5
During this period until Christmas in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.
The Creator’s preference is that all his creatures be joyous!
A fresh investigative look at reality is reserved for the scientists of joy.
Your travel documents to heaven are stamped in new-blue joy ink.
Unload all past misgivings about God's love for you into his fireplace of joy.
It's problematic to be a sourpuss! Catch my joy spirit now!
In my foundry, joy is molded into every new, divine design.
Reflections upon God's joy bring back ancient memories of all that is good.
I am lending you my muse named Joy!
Being amiable in trying times befriends you ever to joy.
The Lord's unlimited asset corporation is “Joy, Inc.”
Through your prayers, today I am serving a platter of joy to the homeless.