071125 Jesus Jewels of Joy #2
The Purity of Joy in Action
Heartfriends at Wellspring found themselves without power and thus without internet this beautiful snowy Sunday morning in Montana. With great joy cell phones were used to accomplish the broadcast through Sacramento. After a few prayers to Jesus and Magda, the whole gang at Wellspring piled into the Messenger's van so the phone could be plugged in for power. And the show went on... as David read the Jewels of Joy and Jesus asked that the commentary be offered by the vanful of heartfriends who were indeed having a joyous experience they would never forget.
The treasure chest of joy is the heart.
Joy is a friendly fire that resonates within and clings to both giver and receiver throughout their time of awareness in its presence.
Joy supports the transmutation of attitude into a new domain of beingness.
Joy is not hilarity, though it may outpicture through a gleeful spirit who cares not for self-gratification but is grateful to the Divine Self for all that is.
Joy’s work delivers mankind from injustice which cannot be the carrier for its light. It sings to the downtrodden and possesses those who do the will of God.
Finding joy is a matter of awareness; for she can be experienced even in dire circumstances and moments when evil would wash away your remembrance of the divine world when you focus on appreciation.
One cannot be fully complete without joy. Thus, sing an ode to joy when preparing for every battle, especially all your deep, internal work.
Joy says, “This day I have begotten thee, O soul. Now rise and speak only of the joyous acceleration of light within and know me as your loving Self.”
Every party to joy knows no bounds.
The winsome know joy as victory’s voice which speaks during every supreme act of overcoming the lesser self.
Work in joy and every day’s arrows will fly swiftly and be true to their mark.
Joy is the produce and the flowers at every market.