Create a Strong Vision Plan

This morning David shared with us the Masters’ impressions to him upon awakening this morning as to the benefits of preparing a vision plan of what we would like to see outpictured in our lives—for the next year, three years and beyond. This current cycle of Scorpio is a perfect time to attune with Cyclopea and our Divine or Higher Self to create a strong vision or master plan, not just to precipitate material things (though some of these may facilitate our work), but to accelerate awareness and accomplish our goals to glorify God.

David suggests that we use the tool of treasure mapping, for it allows us to focus our vision into a pictorial representation that we can then energize with our prayers and God’s light. But once this is done we also need to begin with the end or goal in mind and have definitive step-by-step strategies and action items with timelines to fill in the plan. As we work with the ascended masters who are inspiring and moving us along, we can rise beyond the human modes of living in mortality with its sense of lack or limitation. We can do great things--seemingly miraculous things--as we work collectively through a higher vision, whereby God moves within us to help us fulfill our reason for being.