071115 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #26
May grace be yours today and every day as you meditate upon Lady Kristine’s Chrisms (concise teachings on the blessing of grace in our lives):
The stars are populated with those who embraced grace’s teachings eons ago.
Anger eradicates grace’s place at your table.
The quality of mercy, forgiveness and forbearance that you exhibit others is dependent upon the daily nurturing you have given to grace’s spirit within.
Expressing frankness and honesty need not be bereft of grace’s courtliness and savoir faire.
Appreciation is a crystal chalice into which grace pours her most potent spirits for the uplift of a soul.
Childlike simplicity is grace’s preferred means to penetrate hearts with her cherubic arrows of divine bliss.
Every offering of selfhood to glorify God increases grace’s asset base.
Resplendent in her winsome beauty grace outshines the haughty brides of illicit stardom who’ve been caught in desire to receive human adulation.
The missionaries of grace have written a new testament to the power of givingness and the intricacies of transmutative love.
The twin pillars of grace are sensitivity to need and a willingness to serve.
Sunday Family Service November 18, 2007
Set aside your time this Sunday, November 18, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. MST for the Family Service. This week there will also be an adult darshan. Please email your questions in advance to darshan@theheartscenter.org. In addition, join in the Town Hall Meeting this Sunday—your opportunity to give input on a number of topics.
You will be able to access more details shortly from the Events tab on the menu bar, under Sunday Services.