071110 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #22
This morning’s chrisms from Lady Kristine for your blessing and anointing:
*Prophetic dreams, divine locutions and sudden bursts of illumination all occur at the behest and sponsorship of grace.
*Grace is governed by receptivity; an open mind, a joyous heart and a willing spirit are its leading advocates.
*Most inspiration results from the perspiration of grace.
*Every falling leaf, every robin’s song and every monarch’s emergence know grace’s signature and her lilting light investiture.
*Those who mock the Creator slam the door on grace’s entry, just as the hard-hearted halt her opening remarks and her closing arguments.
*Any intention to fathom divine light is witnessed by grace, who then conspires to pursue you as the hound of heaven with her angelic devices.
*Every seminal spiritual awakening and every lasting love relationship have known grace’s visitation and nurturing.
*Heaven’s Arbiter has always been smitten by grace’s passionate pleas for mankind. Her wit has won many a recalcitrant soul’s freedom.
*The surest path through grace’s garden is humility.
*Grace is equipped with every divine tool of the trade to soften hearts, purify motives and seal lasting friendships.