071101 All Saints Day/Afra Special Service
HAPPY ALL SAINTS DAY TO EVERYONE - Thursday, November 01, 2007
All Saints Day is a magnificent day, for today we have access to the entire hierarchy of heaven, the entire Universal White Brotherhood and their Great Blue Causal Body. The Great Blue Causal Body is the conglomerate name for the totality of all the ascended masters in the heaven world. It is the Holy City, fully inhabited by all ascended beings. Remember to give praise, express your gratitude for life and to pray throughout the day for resolution, healing and wholeness for yourself, your family, the children, the entire planet and for all life everywhere.
Today is Beloved Afra’s Ascension Day and you are cordially invited to a banquet in his honor. Please join heartfriends, servitors of light and the Afra Group tonight from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. MDT as we celebrate Afra’s Spirit of Brotherhood. There will be a dictation from Afra at 8:00 p.m. MDT through our spokesman for the Brotherhood, David Christopher Lewis. Consider having a piece of cake with a single lighted candle commemorating our oneness with the heart of Afra, and a glass of sparkling water or juice for a toast. We will sing, hear readings, and share our victories and testimonies about our Beloved Brother Afra. See you in the now at 7:00 p.m. MDT.