071123 -Maitreya
Maitreya Seals Us in Cosmic Presence
“I am Maitreya and I come to give you of my heart. Access to the heart of God is a sacred gift and every ascended master offers a point of entry, a channel of access to that perfect love.” So began this morning’s beautiful, loving discourse from Lord Maitreya, inspiring us as to what attaining our own Christhood will mean for thousands and even millions. This will occur with the flowering of our minds, one with God, if we maintain the thread of contact, “which I say this day must be more than a fine thread, it must grow to be a cosmic cable through which there is the strong connection between your world and ours.”
Speaking of our daily prayer sessions, Maitreya called them an opportunity to reconnect in this process, “and those of you who have partaken of them in constancy know the great joy of beingness in the company of angels and the saints of heaven and of your holy brothers and sisters, the saints upon earth. One of the purposes of this movement besides giving you an opportunity to reconnect with your own God Presence in greater measure, is to reconnect with many hearts who long ago vowed to sustain the world through love. And thus The Hearts Center is a sacred circle of fiery hearts who understand the process of beingness and of gracing the earth with presence always.” As our souls rise to new heights of victory of love in action through compassion we, one with Maitreya, will “see the beautiful gaze of the Divine Mother in the heavens, and together we will sing her song, the new song of joy.”