071122 Thanksgiving Day-Jesus
May the Peace of Your God presence Flow unto You On this Blessed Thanksgiving Morn
Thirty-Three Day Novena
The blessing of receiving Beloved Lady Kristine’s chrisms was the coming of Grace to prepare us for the coming of the Lord on Christmas Day. We are asked by Jesus to begin a thirty-three day novena today of the giving of the Rosary of Faith, prayer 9.014, and ending on Christmas Eve. The Book of Psalms from the Old Testament is to be our scriptural reading between the devotions to the seven archeiai: Faith, Christine, Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst. Through the giving of this rosary, choirs of angels surround the earth; through the speaking of the words of the Psalms, we become the Word; and through our praise and thanksgiving, we receive the graces of the Christ consciousness within.
Praise is the Acceptance and Reflection of God’s Spirit Where We Are
Beloved Jesus in his annual Thanksgiving Day Message this morning, reminded us of the greatness of the very givingness of the Father/Mother God, saying that as we give our praise and thanksgiving “for all of the graces and gifts of the Spirit that God has endowed us with, we come into a greater knowledge and a gnosis of his Presence within us.” Once we understand this equation of the Christ consciousness and what it will mean for each of us “when [we] dwell always in the presence of the Lord, then [we] cannot help but always be in the Spirit of Thanksgiving for that which God bestows endlessly unto [us].” We are told that there is no limitation to what we can attain to when we put God first in our life and when all that we do is done to the glory of God—for his purposes, for his light to prevail, and for the greater mission to be accomplished, sphere upon sphere, worlds without end.
Our Heart as a Fount of Fire May Be for God His Dwelling Place Upon Earth
When we make time for silence and go deep within and attend to the flame within our heart and “see it burst forth as a great conflagration of sacred fire. . . and then give praise to God for this eternal fire within, [then we] will know the true meaning of Thanksgiving and of the ritual of the harvest. . . .”
Beloved Jesus concluded his message by telling us that he would be within our hearts today and every day if we would have him. “Yes I can move mountains for you and with you, mountains of pride, mountains of sorrow, mountains of unconsciousness. And in their stead I bring greater light, light, light to you.”
We are then each asked to “bow to the Lord God, the I AM THAT I AM,” and to take a moment within the silence of our hearts, to give our thanks today.