071124 Lady Kristine’s Chrims #33 & #34
The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them her very essence, as grace, comes to us in her radiance. Our task then is to anchor this gift of light here in these planes by being the conscious receptors of her words and of what is behind the words. As we assimilate and become this teaching, God can use us to radiate grace to all we meet. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us and all life in a garment of grace. With the following beautiful words of grace, Beloved Lady Kristine concludes her series of Chrisms:
All proclivities towards the five misappropriated passions of anger, envy, lust, greed and pride may be dissolved in grace’s divine solution.
God endowed you with a divine spark through which he granted you ready access to his heart of grace. It is time to cash in your stock and fly.
A full harvest always awaits those who sow, water, fertilize and weed with grace.
Transmute road rage to race grace.
Before every human tragedy grace approached and offered a way out, but those embroiled in self ignored her steady gaze and ready healing.
Let your MySpace space be radiant with grace.
Every divine offering keeps grace in mind and beauty in heart.
It is always propitious to follow grace’s lead especially when entering dangerous territory.
Only grace can darn socks strong enough to protect your Achilles heel.
Grace’s angels’ advice when all your travel plans are made—wing it!
Grace invites you to try her new crystal abacus when you count your blessings.
Grace’s only indiscretion is that she is constantly cheating on death.
A life lived to the glory of God is always rife with challenge but also ripe with grace.
If you must be contentious, then at least do it with grace.
A fallow field of consciousness asks for opportunity, but a fertile field of awareness invites grace.
The divinely prolific have always had grace in their drawing room.
Grace’s staunch ally is trust.
Beingness is more about grace then intensity.
Grace says, “You paint the picture and I will fill in the subtle tones and hues.”
The possibilities of offering grace are infinite, for the Infinite resides in her every offering.