071130 Jesus Jewels of Joy #7
Jewels of Joy from the Heart of Jesus - Thursday, November 29, 2007
During this period until Christmas in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.
Throughout the day, as we meditate upon these words and the keys within them, we will have new levels of understanding; we will be uplifted in this spirit of joy and become a cosmic distributor of joy to many, many souls.
Friendship with God is my greatest joy.
Serving the light within others brings joy at every turn.
Family fellowship towards joy’s holy purposes is the great necessity of the hour.
Horror movies destroy the sacred works of joy and will eventually be outlawed because of their violent impact on the world scene through the auras of those who watch them and especially in their actors and creators. Who will be my advocate to erase this scourge from the earth?
The presence of joy creates a little bit more of heaven upon earth each day.
Frequenting pubs does not bring the divine joys into your life.
Radical forgiveness creates a safe haven for joy’s growth.
The possibility for self transcendence becomes reality through seizing each day’s new solar opportunity to experience joy.
Your field of belief is fully secured by joy’s guardian harvesters.
Every classroom should be a haven for joyous learning.
Between embodiments fundamentalists are encouraged to take classes in joy to dissolve their outworn beliefs and paradigms.
Become a nuptial of joy!