071210 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #17
The New Gospel of Joy
In his commentary after the reading of Jesus’ Jewels of Joy this morning, Jesus asked us, “Why not walk the simpler path of peace through joy?” He told us that there is a glow in our auras and radiance in our visage when joy truly manifests through our consciousness. As we imbibe joy, day by day, the fragrance of our true Self aerates our soul. “Hitch your wagon to my star this day and know God’s love for you, God’s birthright endowed unto you aeons ago…Preach my new Gospel of Joy to the nations and sing your joy to the world each day…in this our joint venture to be wayshowers, lightsharers and bodhisattvas of love.”
Joy is the great transporter of God’s vision of happiness to all.
My mission, as inspired by my Father, has been to open a new portal of joy to the world through compassion and kindness.
Joy is forever young, intelligent and radiantly gracious.
Gaining ground more swiftly each day you ascend by the ropes and grappling hooks of joy that we employ.
The patient process of attainment is oiled by Joy.
Joy helps you compose yourself for an easier acceptance of (or surrender to) God’s holy will.
Treasures of the heart shine brighter in Joy’s presence.
The fragrant ones know Joy’s many accessories and accomplices.
Foundlings of the spirit may learn to embrace Joy’s lineage by her many boons and graces.
My compelling reason for you to be joyful: It is easier on your soul and more beneficent to mankind.
The primary accessories of Joy are freedom and justice.
The joyful have learned to be caring of the feelings of all.