Transcend the Human Self Today
Reach for the Stars!
Beloved Leto comes to honor Mother Mary and to augment the light of the Cosmic Mother in the Virgin of Guadalupe on this the Virgin's feast day. Leto’s presence is radiating through every image of Mother Mary everywhere today as a way of assisting all people to ascend in consciousness, to communicate with the masters and the angels, to help us pierce the veil that separates heaven and earth.
Humility, acceptance of the possibility that we can know oneness with God even as we walk the earth, understanding the mission of the angels and our heavenly sponsors on our behalf, having a bit more faith, love, acceptance of Presence—all these are keys.
Clear the Subconscious
Another key Leto shares is the importance of clearing the subconscious with the “violet transmuting singing light prayers, songs and mantras” daily and letting go of past failures, of worry, of regret. This is what will assist her angels to lift us up and accelerate the gifts and siddhis within us through divine union.