071223 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #30
Drink from the Fountain of your own Christ and Higher Self
the Joyous Reality of God's Radiant and Abiding Love
This morning Jesus shared once again the mystery of the Christ as it relates to joy in our world. We enter the very presence of Joy by attuning through the heart to the divine living reality of oneness in Spirit. It is our birthright to attain this holy oneness with God. And "…the surreal nature of the human ego must be relinquished to the surrounding reality of God's ever-abiding Presence which outshines all of the lesser manifestations of human joy.
"When living in Presence there is nothing but joy within God's reality…," and we can enjoy living in God's virtues within. We can play and sing and dance within Joy's reality as the grace of the holy angels in their sacred work raises us within the light to a new awareness of God's presence where we are "…and the joy of perfect living within the heart of God."
"Think on the touch of the fairy godmother and how the simple impartation of light fills you with that bliss of joy. And then, of how fully present within that joy, you begin to radiate the self same cosmic blessing to life. For where Joy imparts her sacred substance, that same essence being yours to claim, may be bestowed across the earth to all lifestreams." Jesus is bringing daily messages of Joy to the world this special Christmas. Click here to listen to all of today's message. Below are the Jewels of Joy for December 23, 2007.
Joy's lullabies assuage the souls of even the most hard-hearted ones.
Preferring joy above rancor moves you into conscious living where her angels ever abide.
Cooperation with the devas of Joy brings nature’s secrets to your heart.
Finding your bliss within your sacred work surrounds you with Joy’s fragrant aura.
Through pleasant hearts God’s love imparts pure Joy.
Incline your ear to Joy, for in her story the God of Happiness sings.
Realize your true nature in Joy’s company and favor.
The resplendent ones impart every aspect and nuance of Joy’s teachings.
Don't get stuck on Calvary, for my Joy began Easter morn.
For a quick reprieve amidst the battle meditate on Joy’s jewels.
Open your heart each morning to ingest my new elixir of Joy.
All who work in prenatal care should divine the life science of Joy.
Following in Joy’s footsteps leads you to eternal bliss.
Every Christed one is a Joy Spirit.
The only proven way to pure Joy is though a merciful heart.
Your God Presence is the pristine exemplar of Joy.
While teaching your children, frame every sentence in Joy even as you share her exercises.