071003 Lord Ling
Beloved Lord Ling Comes with an Update and a Gift
Beloved Lord Ling comes at the request of El Morya to report to us on where we are as a movement and that which must be accomplished to allow for the fulfillment of the mission of The Hearts Center. He is grateful for the generosity of heartfriends in responding to beloved Portia’s request that one hundred respond and support the securing of the Wellspring/Golden Ratio property. To date, forty percent of this request has been fulfilled and heaven expresses its appreciation for this. In order for the Darjeeling Council to act, the remaining sixty percent must come forward. It is well understood that some have responded in their hearts with great intention to support the securing of the Wellspring property.
A direct response—person-by-person—is the requirement. The Darjeeling Council awaits the remaining response, for it is ready to assist us as soon as the dispensation of the support of these one hundred is a reality. The laws of God require an obedience and flexibility of spirit now just as they did for the children of Israel attempting to enter the Promised Land with Moses. He tells us that some of us were among them. Each one of us knows what we are responsible for in fulfilling Portia’s request and that the support of this project means different things to different heartfriends. For those who have given all not only through their finances but through their time offered in prayer and volunteer service, it may mean the giving of a token donation, a sign of one’s support. For those who have received much but have not yet approached sacrificial giving for what they have received, now is the time to place that offering on the altar.
Let us come together and see what we can do. Lord Ling also shares at El Morya’s request that not only the financial support of the Wellspring project is the need of the hour, but constancy in keeping the general fund of this movement supplied in order to support our messenger and those others receiving compensation for their work in vital areas including our website renovation. For at this time, there are not sufficient funds to do this. The Darjeeling Council has desired that greater numbers of volunteers become employees, being reimbursed for the hours of service given in love on behalf of all heartfriends. Lord Ling suggests a townhall meeting before the European pilgrimage to come together to discuss solutions so that all may be accomplished.
The miracle light of your Presence is sufficient!” The light of our Solar Presence that is within, above and around us is all that is required, Lord Ling reminds. Connect with this mighty living, loving light resource, yours for the asking! For those who have not yet given he says, “Give into my begging bowl this day such that I may then offer this abundance to the Lord of the World and to all sponsoring masters of this movement to continue this dispensation.” By All Saints Day there needs to be a response of this one hundred supporters in order for the Darjeeling Council to move with their assistance.
Lord Ling makes a plea to local Hearts Centers. Lord Ling suggests as we face this time of opportunity that local Hearts Centers consider what they could do to support the general fund for the completion of the new website and the support of the messenger. He once again acknowledges the generosity of many heartfriends, the many who have given everything. He asks that all of us continue to work with alchemical processes that will allow for greater abundance to become a reality in the collective awareness of heartfriends everywhere.
Supporting us in all ways, Lord Ling offers a gift from his heart. Through an emanation from his Solar Presence, Lord Ling gives his support to Fortuna and Mother Mary. He shares his vision of the flowing of abundance throughout our lives like the flowing of “milk and honey throughout this land.” He then offers a gift to us with these words, “I, Moses, your Lord Ling, give unto you a ring …on behalf of this dispensation…. for the victory of this movement.” His message exudes the joy spirit that this victory will be won. He tells us that we will cross the Red Sea to abide in the Promised Land, by God’s grace. As our intent is holy, this is so. He asks us to join him in kneeling before our altars to pledge that which we will give daily, monthly, yearly to support this blessed movement. He extends his love to us and sings to the victory of our souls to soar unto oneness with the Beloved.