071208 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #15
A Pandemic of Joy
In preparation for Christmas, we continue our meditations on the words of our beloved Jesus. Today the Master spoke tenderly of residing in the awareness of joy, day and night. He spoke of the fragrances of joy’s flowery essence which can truly infect the multitudes. Discoursing with us on the Jewels, he asked us to receive them in humility and honor so that we may have this “great new fire” and be just stewards and humble servants in order that many may rise and soar.
The guardians of truth also witness Joy's surprises, for her pranks upon the righteous bring their hidden foibles to light.
Not all see Joy as virtuous, but the Creator knows otherwise, for did not God celebrate all that was created as good?
Joy's synthesis of the stream of ancient gnosis with the brook of modern insight creates a clear, new river of divine wisdom.
Fortunate are those who reside in Joy day and night, for neither shadow nor darkness can shroud her glory.
Be mindful of Joy's light plight even as you are ecstatic in her bright flight!
Joy doesn't act gratuitously, though her students accept her heavenly gratuities.
Foment with me a new siege on the tyranny of depression by Joy's sword.
Moving in presence brings Joy's awareness into Now's reality.
Patience provides an immaculate, quiet sanctum for Joy's inspiration.
Joy's fragrance also includes ample distillations of honeysuckle, lilac and rose.
Let Joy become the earth's attractive, new pandemic.
Joy presses the spiritually foolhardy to become the mystic avant-garde.