071213 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #20
Magda Comes to Magnify the Light of the Christ within Each of Us
I AM the Light of Joy Within You this Day
On this the feast day of Sancta Lucia, there are processions in Sweden and throughout Scandinavia, even as there is a procession in heaven with many ascended lady masters and the archeiai. This sacred procession of the Ladies of Heaven is for washing clean the earth and moving souls from the age of Pisces into the stream of love and freedom that is Aquarius.
Beloved Magda, a participant in this procession, came this morning to discourse on the great light of the feminine principle of God as Joy. “As you are joyful the angels and heavenly beings come to surround you, for the very nature of the angels is joy. And, in their songs and praises, in their heavenly choirs, joy resounds throughout the world.” And this same joy may resound in our world, as we sing Christmas carols and praise God in all we do throughout this holy season.
Magda asks us to join the procession of light, for as our soul sings in praise of the Divine One, there “will be cosmic connectivity with all the Ladies of Heaven, whereby at any hour of the day or night when [we] may feel even a slight inkling of darkness in some way, by reminding [ourselves] of the availability of [their] presence, [they] will raise [us] once again into cosmic joy, the joy of the Ladies of Light.”
Jewels of Joy from the Heart of Jesus
Take a moment to meditate on the heart of Jesus as you read his Jewels of Joy for today:
Behold Joy within day and night.
Compose your own psalms of praise and joy and know divine uplift therefrom.
Joy is prophetic and becoming of the Christ Light within you.
I hold the Father fully responsible for any virtue, grace and joy I bear.
Each day you experience an inner trial to see if you will pray and surrender in your own personal Gethsemane and then move on to fulfill the will of God in your life. I am with you to support you in every step.
The blessings of Christ peace flow and glow within you and within all.
Have you listened to the divine commercial that is always playing to woo you to purchase the pearl of great price of eternal Joy through God’s love?
Every blessing is a manifestation of Joy.
All spiritual diversions may disappear when you focus on the crystalline light of the Christ principle within others as you selflessly and joyously serve them.
Through Joy I had to know the truth before I could fully become an intercessor and mediator for the Father to help set others free.
Joy and praise go hand in hand and sing heart to heart.
Let Joy be fully resurrected within you!