071203 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #10
The Soul May Be a Jewel for God
Early one morning before giving us Jesus’ Jewels for the day, the messenger conveyed that the feminine potential to be God in this dimension is held in the soul. Born within the womb of the cosmic mother, we enter her sphere where she speaks to us within the water of eternal life that vibrates where we are. We are evolving through our soul.
“As we receive these Jewels each day, it is for the purpose of our solar evolution. The spirit speaks to us. Are we listening? Our soul speaks to us. Is it glistening?” And in this season when many forget the true spirit and purpose of Christmas, let us not enter into the commercialism of materialism. But by the agency of the Presence where Christ vibrates as awareness where we are, may our souls shine as jewels for God.
Compress joy into artful renderings to bless the seen and the unseen.
Accept joy’s bounty of benevolence and its unforgettable fragrance of forgiveness.
All education should have the joy of learning as a primary goal.
Gnosis is joy’s wisdom teaching accepted and mastered.
Parental guidance is best conveyed by, through and with joy’s ardor.
Your ability and willingness to accept and become joy will determine your quality of life.
Joy has a proven track record of safeguarding the hearts of mankind through levity, laughter and light.
A gracious demeanor toward all increases Joy’s innate powers to inspire you with all her divine beatitudes.
Respect and reverence for life creates a safe haven for Joy’s harmonious communication between peoples of many cultures.
Joy never reposes, for she is ever alert to compassion’s intercession and grace’s sacred procession.
The fully conscious live in joy and thereby bless all life.
Joy is the gale in the sail of every life mission.