071215 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #22 & Goddess of Joy
Joy is the Way Out. . .and the Way in to the Divine World
Answering the call of our songs and meditations upon the Jewels of Joy from the heart of Jesus these past three weeks, the Goddess of Joy comes today radiating “the fiery, starry elements of joy across the earth.” She comes with holy purpose to raise us all in Cosmic Joy. “I now radiate to each and every one through your God-presence, through your crystal cord, which . . . you can envision now as your Tube of Light expanded nine feet in diameter, such that you can receive these cosmic frequencies of Joy to grace this planet once again for the avataric light from the very heart of God to save a people and a planet.”
Coming with a new level of joy, a new vibration of Spirit, the Goddess of Joy tells us that joy can be ours every season of the year, every hour of the day and night and in every cycle of our life on earth. And this is the key she offers for joy to be so manifest in our lives: “It is always a time for Joy to be where you are, when you understand the nature of God as true Presence. And in that richness of the quintessence of Joy you may always have access to light, greater light, magnificent light, and also access the power of that light for personal and planetary transformation.”
As we meditate daily through Christmas Eve upon Jesus’ Jewels of Joy until they are fully received in our hearts and accepted within our souls, then, as the Goddess of Joy tells us, we too as a living Christ in our own right can “go forth, born anew to be to a world avatars and avataresses of Joy.”
Joy not only promises but delivers!
Joy’s complement is Beauty and her partner Victory.
Joy’s fragrance is fortitude and her essence quintessence.
Parlay these jewels of joy into lasting beatitudes.
In Joy’s hourglass, the time for the sands of divine power to appear is NOW.
Valuing every blessing from God, you move from beggary to joyful thankfulness, from not-self reliance to Presence.
Gracious speech brings pure joy to all who have learned to hear from the heart.
Joy’s impresario is impressive!
Joy would rather cook up a light feast than a storm.
You could say that Joy is an airy wit, but she’s also a liquid light, an earthy charm, an ethereal grace and a fiery beauty.
Joy prepared meticulously for the angels, the shepherds, the magi and now you.
The art of Joy is the quintessence of Presence.