071205 Jesus's Jewels of Joy #12

Become the Word of Joy

Beloved Jesus tells us today that “the Gospel is a Gospel of Joy” and that it is to be declared in joy and in its beauty and in our love. By becoming “the Word of Joy,” the teaching we share becomes living, healing, transformative. Through today’s Jewels from Jesus’ heart, we learn that praise, trust, strength, constancy and virtuous behavior contain the quality of joy for their perfect revelation in us.

  1. Publish joy everywhere!

  1. Praise is joy magnified through the higher chakras. For as you honor the Creator, your spirit is blessed and a new inner alignment occurs.

  1. The benefits of becoming an exponent of joy are boundless. Try it!

  1. Trust in God creates the vehicle for joy’s effulgent appearance and work.

  1. Appropriate joy through the heart and let it resonate through you even as its radiance expands upward and outward to encompass many worlds.

  1. Joy’s methods are pure, its manners sweet and its effects powerful.

  1. Joy is a model of fortitude, for it allows you to weather every storm with equanimity and to abide in peaceful presence with the same spirited poise.

  1. The permanent flowering of joy within a soul is beautiful to behold.

  1. Every victorious disciple has earned the right to have joy as a life-long benefactor because he has magnetized her through our serious light work.

  1. Following your sacred principles, you always discover joy within the process.

  1. Joy allows you to manifest your spiritual life while managing your human responsibilities with perfect balance and fun.

  1. Joy’s effervescence is contagious and her inoculations miraculous!