071201 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #8

Remain centered in your heart and one with your Presence as we daily read the Psalms during the giving of the Rosary of Faith throughout this period until Christmas Eve. In this way, we will transmute together the record of what took place in that era 3000 years ago in the Middle East, through our consciousness, through our hearts and through the love we bring to this sacred alchemy.

Beloved Jesus blesses us this day with twelve more Jewels of Joy from his heart. To listen to the entire service, including Jesus’ commentary on each of these jewels, click here:

  • The precious oil of kindness is housed in my beloved’s alabaster jar of joy.

  • Even in the West Bank, Baghdad and Kabul I radiate joy.

  • To study the properties of joy observe the dance of a newborn fawn after it discovers its legs.

  • The proving ground of eternal joy is the dark night of the soul and its final dissertation the dark night of the spirit.

  • The possibilities for Joy’s appearance are endless and the magnitude of her transformative power is supernal.

  • Joy is veiled in every disaster, but her radiant eyes are still beholden to you.

  • Follow God’s eternal thread of joy through the evolution of fire and earth and the sacred dance of wind and rain.

  • Joy penetrates to the core of every challenging endeavor and to the heart of every knotty issue and says, “All is well! All is swell!”

  • Joy grasps the gravity of every situation and shakes it awake to a levity reality.

  • Grace is to water as Joy is to ether.

  • At some point of rebellion every demon lost hold of joy and has reveled ever since in its devilish de-lights of vice.

  • The power behind transmutation is joy.