Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion and Healing - Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Let Go, Let Go, Let Go…and Receive from God All That You Need!
Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Healing, comes today to bring a deeper healing of body, mind, soul. Wholeness is right within us even as we search for it, she says. Bodhisattvas by definition are those “who have pledged their life in service to humanity such that wholeness may come fully within…. [They] provide the means whereby compassion may fully be [ours] and wholeness may once again be restored.”
Bodhisattvas vow to save sentient beings in order to glorify God within those beings. Through the giving of “Om Mani Peme Hum” or the “OM”, we call the bodhisattvas and their great wisdom to us that brings the awareness that our purpose in life is for the expanding of God’s grace and mercy to others.
Each bodhisattva emanates a subtly different color radiation. And the bodhisattvas that we most need to meet our personal situations are the ones sent to us by Avalokitesvara. Our job is to let go of outer attachments and live in “a formlessness in God’s mind and heart.” Only then can we receive from God what is required in order for us to serve life in the capacity of the bodhisattva. “Let go, let go, let go, O soul, of the attachments and hold on to my apron strings of mercy light that will lift you right out of your predicament which is only what you see from the human level,” is Avalokitesvara’s command. All can be released through the holy breath of mercy, she says to us.
A prayer to Maitreya by Avalokitesvara for the repairing of our auras ends her discourse with us as she raises “her thousand arms to extend rivulets of mercy light in all planes of being to all sentient ones for all perfect healing.”