080515 Beloved Virgo Hierarch of the Earth Element
Day Two of the Eight-Day Vigil on Behalf of the four Hierarchs of the Elementals and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray
What is Important is Life, is Love, is Givingness, is Self-transcendence
Through Being an Assist to All Life and to Others
Coming in gratitude this morning for the action of spiritual light that was invoked, Beloved Virgo, hierarch of the Earth Element with her twin Pelleur, commented that many more are coming to an understanding that all that they do, feel, think “and cognize through consciousness affects the entire sphere of awareness of a planet.”
“For a greater stability to be maintained upon and within the earth,” Virgo said that the work we did this morning “must be ongoing in nature and greater numbers of lightsharers across the earth must come to know the importance of the application of the science of sound through mantra, prayer and invocation such as you have engaged in today.” Therefore she asks all to take 10-15 minutes each day “in a very conscious application of the science of solar emanation from within the core of your being to appreciate and bless and raise elemental life in the earth body.” If we would do so, we “would see less of an outpicturing of the intensity of storm or tornado, earthquake, flood, fire” and that which we term “natural disasters.”
Virgo reminds us that these are the attempts of the elementals and their hierarchs “to bring harmony once again, whereby there is the sloughing off of the karmic outpicturing of mankind’s unconscious awareness in acts of un-mercy toward life.”
“Though some of you may experience in some way the very stripping away of all that you saw as part of self—as possession, as home, as land, even as family—maintain your connection with the Eternal One...for this is what is real. This is what will carry you through thick and thin, through every trial and test such that you may truly know God in the totality of beingness who you truly are.”
Virgo concluded her message by blessing our physical bodies with “greater energy, radiance and consciousness” even as we care for the “physical cells, organs and systems of that which is [our] holy body temple.”
Click here to listen to Virgo’s entire message and to participate in Day Two of the Eight-Day Vigil on behalf of the Four Hierarchs of the Elementals and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.