080525 Saint Germain at Shasta Newsflash

The Stage is Set for My Aquarian New World Vision

Saint Germain begins his message on the final day of the Shasta event by reminding us that he came to Shasta over seventy years ago to initiate another messenger, Godfre Ray King. And he asks of us today if we, each one, would be his messengers of freedom. He also reminds that he wrote the Shakespearean plays and through this medium gave the message that each of us is an actor on the stage of life with roles to play. Now is the time to play our role.

If you would see world freedom…you must determine that nothing will stand in the way of your victory in freedom from this day forward!” Saint Germain says. We are meant to be the wayshowers. “Unless some rise…there will be dark days ahead.” But each of us can be a point of light in our cities and towns.

Saint Germain wants us to call to the Great Divine Director and all of the chohans and the Maha Chohan to assist in the passing of all our tests, in remaining alert and awake, the laying down of our lesser selves, the embracing of our Christhood that we may always make the right choices. “Choose you this day whom you will serve…your Higher Self or your lesser self…to be or not to be God!”

He asks that we be willing to be God-taught, to be stripped of that which is not God in us. The Novus Organum which Saint Germain wrote, described a new world order. “Make it so!” Saint Germain commands. He asks us to kneel with him as he prays, giving gratitude first to the Lord God and then telling the Lord of our pledge to uphold the sovereignty of the Father-Mother God in all we do, in who we are.

Saint Germain expresses his gratitude that we came to Shasta to be with him. And most tenderly he says to us in closing, “I am here for you, each one. And I pledge my eternal gratitude and love to you, disciples of God.” He embraces each person present “unto his purple, fiery heart.”