080529 Suryaji
Nothing Should Stop You from Your Fiery Determination to Be at the Feet of the Mother, to Be Physically Present at Our Freedom Conference 2008 for the Victory of Your Soul
Early this morning with the full fire of his devotion and love for the Mother Kali, beloved Suraji (known to many as Ramakrishna) comes with an important message for every heartfriend and for all “who claim that they love the Mother Light….If you knew truly, blessed ones, how many thousands of masters and cosmic beings have prepared this very feast of light for you individually, then you would do all in your human power, augmented by the God-power that may flow through you, to be physically present at our Freedom Conference …for the victory of your life, your very reason for being upon Terra, to be an anchor point for the Maha Kali.”
Suryaji is determined for all to know the Mother Kali’s love which is “so intense that she is willing to be looked upon almost as a demon. But in order to fulfill her sacred service to life, she comes devouring the demons that would devour you, slaying that which is unreal so that you may become the reality of who you are.” Suryaji comes this morning “with a fire. . .with a cosmic spanking” as he prepares us for Kali’s coming. “I would strip from you day by day something of the lesser self so that when the great Mother Kali comes and wields her sword, you will not go forth in fear of that which comes to deliver you from your very human creation.”
Suryaji concludes his message saying, “Call to me. Sing to me. Dance to me and with me and I will dress you in white, the white light of the Mother Kali to be prepared for the great feast, truly the wedding of your soul with your spirit, that she is daily preparing for you.”
A 30-Day Vigil for every heartfriend within The Hearts Center was inaugurated this morning by Suyraji for greater abundance and for great connectivity of our soul with the heart of the Mother Kali.
Image source: atmajyoti.org