080516 Neptune, Hierarch of the Water Element
Fulfilling our Destiny to Love and Know the Allness of our Divine Nature
As the water element abundantly covers and composes the earth and fills our own earth bodies, so the understanding streaming from the heart of the cosmic elemental being Neptune in this morning's session covered many areas of our life and filled us with greater wisdom to accomplish our mission in coming to earth. From helping us to wash clean our emotions and all that vibrates within our auras to showing us the process and symbolic meaning of transmuting ancient prophecies, even of the Mayans, this HeartStream provides precious keys for all of us and is especially worth listening to in its entirety. A few bites of the whole loaf are offered here for your enjoyment in the meantime:
Live in the love of your Buddha nature, the sacred emanation of wakefulness in God's mind.
Take time each day to meditate upon the great crystal of the Higher Self to surmise how you may be a purifying molecule in the great body of the Mother of the earth itself.
Only when the earth is fully subsumed into the star-fire presence of crystal-light energy through the enlightenment of all earth's evolutions will our work by complete.
Click here to listen to Neptune’s entire message and to participate in Day Three of our 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth