080524 Lanto
The Bells of the Buddhas Call Us Higher, Call Us to Become the Buddha!
On Saturday morning, May 24th, at the Shasta event, the bells of the Buddhas ring, and the sound is heard within the soul. Lord Lanto's message speaks of the presence of the Buddhas from East and West with us, ringing their bells, calling all to become the “Sun Presence of Being.”
When we know our Buddha nature, we have an understanding of the truths of all religions. Sitting under our own Bo Tree means that we have accepted that it is our right, like Gautama, to enter into deep meditation and not be moved until we receive the “blessing of the Buddhas.”
Lanto tells us that the chohans are here to help in our acceleration as each chohan works on our chakras, our cells so that we are able to emanate Solar light fully and always. When we have experienced “this bliss of the Beingness,” we are able then to begin blessing life “with the presence of Buddhic awareness” that we have internalized.
Today as we “ascend the mountan peaks of greater presence, the emanations of the Buddha ”surround us, enfusing us with divine light that when fully taken in, allows this Buddhic consciousness to be wholly ours.
“From the Royal Teton and from Mount Shasta, the Buddhas call. Come to Montana over the Independence Day week set aside upon the mountaintop at Big Sky to receive greater initiation of the Kali Mother who comes to strip the earth of darkness” and prepare us for our “ultimate ascent into Nirvana.” Lord Lanto wants us to know that he will be there with us at Big Sky.
And today he speaks from Shasta, revealing that “upon every mountain peak, East and West, the bells of the Buddhas ring, calling "all of mankind to rise up higher and “be the One!”