Lord Himalaya Would Sponsor a Meditation Seminar
The Hearts Center cup of light was full to overflowing today from the earliest moments of the 6 AM session through the concluding moments of a Spanish Broadcast with words of appreciation from the Blessed Mother for her dear sons and daughters in the Spanish-speaking community.
El Morya began the day discoursing on the ritual of holding the immaculate concept and led a prayer session that concluded with the washing and cleansing of our auras in the violet fire. The family service was dedicated to the ritual of expressing appreciation and one by one those present at Wellspring gave their heartfelt statements of grateful appreciation and heartfriends participating on the broadcast sent in their emails, which were also shared. It was a joyous and unifying celebration in preparation for El Morya's HeartStream.
Through Appreciation You Rise, You Ascend, You Become
He expressed his own appreciation for "the chela who is becoming the master and entering into the very will of God in the process." To Lord Himalaya he offered the lotus of our love created out of our sacred ritual of appreciation and knelt before him. He asked us to take a moment to feel the outbreath of Lord Himalaya and "receive the new impulses of Alpha and Omega that cycle through his being." Then he announced the seminar on meditation that will enable Lord Himalaya to give us keys to the mind, the will and the love of God in its highest aspect as we are able to receive it. Click here to access this morning's memorable service.
Image: On the Heights www.roerich.org