080502 Jesus’ Ascension Day Message
The Celebration of the Ascension of Beloved Jesus and Saint Germain
“So I come on this celebration of my ascent to empower you, to reconnect you in a greater action of holiness.” Jesus spoke tenderly of our oneness with him as the “clasp” on the “golden necklace” of the hierarchical chain that links our hearts with all gurus who “provide that clear pathway to the light.” It was a special evening of song and devotion, discourse and HeartStream last night as heartfriends gathered to celebrate the victory of the ascension of our beloved Jesus and his father, Saint Germain. A replay of Mother Mary’s Heartstream from the day before made complete the presence and radiation of the Holy Family.
“The time is now, blessed ones, that you take all that you have learned, all that you have become and fully embrace the pathway before you to be that doorway to many souls. What this will require remains to be seen in the outpicturing of your life as a life of service, as a life of givingness, as a life of love.”
And so Jesus gave us a key to the fulfilling of our mission: “If there be first and foremost your personal maintenance of cosmic joy by your Presence fully manifest where you are day and night, then every sharing of your heart with others, every interaction, every communication will be heart-centered, will be sublime, will be empowered by the Comforter.” And in offering Holy Communion he spoke of his great joy, “the joy of [giving] to you, each one, the cup overflowing of the water of life freely. I offer it to you. I emanate it to you.”
Click here to access the entire service including the messages from both Jesus and Saint Germain.