080520 Prince Oromasis, Hierarch of the Fire Eelement
Day seven of the 8-Day vigil for Mother Earth
Do Not Underestimate the Power of Fire to Change Your World
Into One that is Divine, Beautiful and Pristine
Beloved Oromasis spoke of how the “gift of the violet fire of Saint Germain and the masters of the seventh ray is given unto mankind so that they may experience the very burning up of their karma before the notable day of the Lord. . .” He also told us that when we see molten lava (from volcanoes) that we should not despair, because it is a “certain action of the fire commingled with the earth itself,. . . for the purpose of the cleansing of the earth itself by the power of the fire of God.”
“And we do give our accolades to those of you who are entering into beloved Djwal Kul’s breathing exercises. For as you partake of these rituals daily, you’ll begin to understand how essential it is that in order to move into your immortality, your divine purpose and your reason for being at the highest aspects of evolution, there must be that cosmic cleansing of every aspect of your being, your aura and even your physical bodies, blessed ones.”
Click here to access and listen to the entire message from Prince Oromasis and to participate in Day Seven of our Eight-Day Vigil on behalf of Mother Earth.