080525 Nada Shasta Newsflash

From the Chohan of Service, Mother of Love: The Importance of Service

In the spirit of loving service, Lady Nada came Sunday morning at Shasta to speak of that world service that will result one day in our attainment of cosmic consciousness. “All souls evolving upon this sphere that we know as earth are here for learning the lessons of life. And those lessons may more easily be mastered through an understanding of the importance of service.” She also said that the “service that we engage in within this movement of the Hearts Center is world service.”

She reminds us that “the angels and the masters utilize the frequencies of light of [our] sacred prayer work at specific times on behalf of souls when most needed, to see them through a challenge, a dire condition, a dis-ease.” And then she encouraged us to keep that flame blazing within our heart, “for the emanations of loving service are carried on the wings and winds of light not only within the earth’s atmosphere but for some . . .whose auras are expanding, even to other evolutions of light in other systems of worlds.”