080514 Pelleur
Virgo and Pelleur Come to Initiate an 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth
The messenger began this morning’s service with an announcement that the Buddha of the Ruby Ray has called for an 8-day vigil to assist Mother Earth during this time of earth changes. As we resolve our own core issues and then focus our prayers on elemental life with the violet flame we can, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, be a point of peace for the Earth, assisting in stabilizing the core of the earth. Virgo and Pelleur, the hierarchs of the earth element, came at the end of the service sending the vibration of the sound of “Uuurrrrr” deep within the earth.
“As you maintain harmony through the light of the ur at the core of your being, we are able to more easily sustain for all evolutions the balance of Mother Earth. How you manifest that balance within the earth element of your own being decides the fate of your own earth, your own physical temple.” We were also asked to “maintain that perfect crystal vision of this planetary home as clear, as radiant, already emanating fully its solar essence in all quadrants of being, at all levels of consciousness… One day all will be liberated and the Earth as a sun shall shine in all of its glory. This is our hope, this is what we hold in our mind’s eye for the very being of Gaia, the very essence of the Moth-er.”
Pelleur gave many examples of words like “brother” and “sister” (and the word “earth” itself), that contain the sound of ur. “As you say these words from this day forward, endow them with that light of ur and know blessed ones, how much you are cared for by the earth, by Virgo and Pelleur.
We were told that if we would like to have seven gnomes with us on our walks in nature, “then name them, invite them, along with the chohans, to do their works of beauty, to fulfill assignments that you give them. So they will revel in the light of your aura, even as they attempt to fulfill their reason for being—to sustain harmony and balance and love in the earth. We trust ;-) that you will not name them Grumpy or Sleepy or Dopey, but name them names that befit their office as servitors of the Mother Earth.” Pelleur spoke of the many gnomes and all of the hierarchs of the elementals, who are already gathering at Shasta in anticipation of our coming and the spiritual work that we will do together.
Click here to access Pelleur’s entire message and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service for the healing of Mother Earth.