080529 Suryaji

Nothing Should Stop You from Your Fiery Determination to Be at the Feet of the Mother, to Be Physically Present at Our Freedom Conference 2008 for the Victory of Your Soul

Early this morning with the full fire of his devotion and love for the Mother Kali, beloved Suraji (known to many as Ramakrishna) comes with an important message for every heartfriend and for all “who claim that they love the Mother Light….If you knew truly, blessed ones, how many thousands of masters and cosmic beings have prepared this very feast of light for you individually, then you would do all in your human power, augmented by the God-power that may flow through you, to be physically present at our Freedom Conference …for the victory of your life, your very reason for being upon Terra, to be an anchor point for the Maha Kali.”

Suryaji is determined for all to know the Mother Kali’s love which is “so intense that she is willing to be looked upon almost as a demon. But in order to fulfill her sacred service to life, she comes devouring the demons that would devour you, slaying that which is unreal so that you may become the reality of who you are.” Suryaji comes this morning “with a fire. . .with a cosmic spanking” as he prepares us for Kali’s coming. “I would strip from you day by day something of the lesser self so that when the great Mother Kali comes and wields her sword, you will not go forth in fear of that which comes to deliver you from your very human creation.”

Suryaji concludes his message saying, “Call to me. Sing to me. Dance to me and with me and I will dress you in white, the white light of the Mother Kali to be prepared for the great feast, truly the wedding of your soul with your spirit, that she is daily preparing for you.”

A 30-Day Vigil for every heartfriend within The Hearts Center was inaugurated this morning by Suyraji for greater abundance and for great connectivity of our soul with the heart of the Mother Kali.

Image source: atmajyoti.org

Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion and Healing - Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Let Go, Let Go, Let Go…and Receive from God All That You Need!

Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Healing, comes today to bring a deeper healing of body, mind, soul. Wholeness is right within us even as we search for it, she says. Bodhisattvas by definition are those “who have pledged their life in service to humanity such that wholeness may come fully within…. [They] provide the means whereby compassion may fully be [ours] and wholeness may once again be restored.”

Bodhisattvas vow to save sentient beings in order to glorify God within those beings. Through the giving of “Om Mani Peme Hum” or the “OM”, we call the bodhisattvas and their great wisdom to us that brings the awareness that our purpose in life is for the expanding of God’s grace and mercy to others.

Each bodhisattva emanates a subtly different color radiation. And the bodhisattvas that we most need to meet our personal situations are the ones sent to us by Avalokitesvara. Our job is to let go of outer attachments and live in “a formlessness in God’s mind and heart.” Only then can we receive from God what is required in order for us to serve life in the capacity of the bodhisattva. “Let go, let go, let go, O soul, of the attachments and hold on to my apron strings of mercy light that will lift you right out of your predicament which is only what you see from the human level,” is Avalokitesvara’s command. All can be released through the holy breath of mercy, she says to us.

A prayer to Maitreya by Avalokitesvara for the repairing of our auras ends her discourse with us as she raises “her thousand arms to extend rivulets of mercy light in all planes of being to all sentient ones for all perfect healing.”

052408 Hilarion Shasta
Onward Buddhist Soldiers! Give the New Mantra: Om Joy, Om Joy...

At the conclusion of the Shasta program on Saturday, Hilarion came to a group of happy heartfriends who had spent their day together learning, loving and growing in grace. As the preparation for his coming began the messenger mused with a twinkle that he had the sense that Hilarion might not give what we would expect as a traditional HeartStream address. What did occur was a bit unusual to be sure.
The master came speaking in a lyrical and exuberant persona, asking us to join hands with the heartfriend on either side of us and feel the pulsations of joy coursing through, connecting our crystal hearts. His loving and carefully chosen words carried humor, encouragement and appreciation. He wants us always to look into all of our heartfriends' eyes and see them as sparkling jewels, truly the windows of their souls. He told us that appreciating each other in such a way creates a fountain of joy and this does not trap us in his "lair" (playing on his own name of Hilarion) but rather holds us in the heart of freedom forevermore. And then he cajoled, "Onward Buddhist Soldiers!" and gave us this new mantra, "Om Joy, Om Joy...."

052408 Serapis Bay Shasta

Fiery Blue-White Circle and Sword is Placed Around Mount Shasta

Serapis' first and perhaps most far-reaching action upon arriving to speak to the heartfriends who gathered for the event on Saturday afternoon was to place a circle and sword around Mount Shasta as a permanent focus that will be there to assist aspiring souls for many years to come. And with the great purity of his love for us he created a blazing white fire in the center of the room and swiftly consigned an element of our human creation to the flames. With the divine zeal of the hierophant of the ascension temple, he adjured us to never again see ourselves as "puny human beings." And he asked the question: If you can't conceive of being an adept, how can you become one?
At the conclusion of his coming he asked us to stand and receive a replica of a Tibetan fire sword in our right hand and say with him, "I will make my ascension at the conclusion of this life because Serapis has come today." He wound a coil of the ascension current around us and told us that one day we will "simply shoot off into the cosmos" and find our ascended selves as newborn babes again, ready to meet new teachers and begin learning anew in this wonderful process of "life-long learning."

080525 Saint Germain at Shasta Newsflash

The Stage is Set for My Aquarian New World Vision

Saint Germain begins his message on the final day of the Shasta event by reminding us that he came to Shasta over seventy years ago to initiate another messenger, Godfre Ray King. And he asks of us today if we, each one, would be his messengers of freedom. He also reminds that he wrote the Shakespearean plays and through this medium gave the message that each of us is an actor on the stage of life with roles to play. Now is the time to play our role.

If you would see world freedom…you must determine that nothing will stand in the way of your victory in freedom from this day forward!” Saint Germain says. We are meant to be the wayshowers. “Unless some rise…there will be dark days ahead.” But each of us can be a point of light in our cities and towns.

Saint Germain wants us to call to the Great Divine Director and all of the chohans and the Maha Chohan to assist in the passing of all our tests, in remaining alert and awake, the laying down of our lesser selves, the embracing of our Christhood that we may always make the right choices. “Choose you this day whom you will serve…your Higher Self or your lesser self…to be or not to be God!”

He asks that we be willing to be God-taught, to be stripped of that which is not God in us. The Novus Organum which Saint Germain wrote, described a new world order. “Make it so!” Saint Germain commands. He asks us to kneel with him as he prays, giving gratitude first to the Lord God and then telling the Lord of our pledge to uphold the sovereignty of the Father-Mother God in all we do, in who we are.

Saint Germain expresses his gratitude that we came to Shasta to be with him. And most tenderly he says to us in closing, “I am here for you, each one. And I pledge my eternal gratitude and love to you, disciples of God.” He embraces each person present “unto his purple, fiery heart.”

080525 Nada Shasta Newsflash

From the Chohan of Service, Mother of Love: The Importance of Service

In the spirit of loving service, Lady Nada came Sunday morning at Shasta to speak of that world service that will result one day in our attainment of cosmic consciousness. “All souls evolving upon this sphere that we know as earth are here for learning the lessons of life. And those lessons may more easily be mastered through an understanding of the importance of service.” She also said that the “service that we engage in within this movement of the Hearts Center is world service.”

She reminds us that “the angels and the masters utilize the frequencies of light of [our] sacred prayer work at specific times on behalf of souls when most needed, to see them through a challenge, a dire condition, a dis-ease.” And then she encouraged us to keep that flame blazing within our heart, “for the emanations of loving service are carried on the wings and winds of light not only within the earth’s atmosphere but for some . . .whose auras are expanding, even to other evolutions of light in other systems of worlds.”

080524 Paul the Venetian Mt. Shasta Newsflash

Be a Heart’s Center of Love for the Earth!

Paul the Venetian takes us on a journey into the heart of the Elohim, Heros and Amora. He wants us to study the architecture of the “inner regions of their crystalline heart” of perfect love as they adore their Source which then returns as a cosmic embrace of all sentient life on earth. This is an Elohimic love vibration, so overwhelming that we receive by grace a portion of it today because we are here, participating in fellowship with the chohans at Shasta.

The name of our movment, The Hearts Center, “was set upon Akasha long, long ago. For the Elohim saw the need that a heart center be established upon earth. And that heart’s center is within [us], each one!” Our purpose, with the assistance of the Elohim, is to create that “perfect space for love to inhabit the earth.” As chohan of the love ray, Paul initiates us in greater love as we are able to bear it on behalf of this planet.

To know the kind of love that the Elohim know, we must face that which is yet in us that opposes that love. It is for this reason that souls come into our lives to test our capacity to really love. Speaking about love and truly loving are two different things. Those who express divine love have “ascended into the very heart of God, knowing the pulsations of that love in all ways.”

The Elohim are the cosmic mystics of perfect love.” Heros and Amora, present with us during this morning’s service, offer us greater access to God’s heart, but it will mean greater sacrifice from us. Paul wants us to be wayshowers of love for all. He promises us that we will receive daily the pulsations of God’s love in our meditations so that we can extend these rays.

How important is humbleness of heart, he says. And the mighty Elohim are the most humble of all. Their surrender is total in that they are always simply being “God where they are.” In closing, Paul blesses us all in the warmth of “the percussive love of the very heartbeat of God.”

080524 Lanto

The Bells of the Buddhas Call Us Higher, Call Us to Become the Buddha!

On Saturday morning, May 24th, at the Shasta event, the bells of the Buddhas ring, and the sound is heard within the soul. Lord Lanto's message speaks of the presence of the Buddhas from East and West with us, ringing their bells, calling all to become the “Sun Presence of Being.”

When we know our Buddha nature, we have an understanding of the truths of all religions. Sitting under our own Bo Tree means that we have accepted that it is our right, like Gautama, to enter into deep meditation and not be moved until we receive the “blessing of the Buddhas.”

Lanto tells us that the chohans are here to help in our acceleration as each chohan works on our chakras, our cells so that we are able to emanate Solar light fully and always. When we have experienced “this bliss of the Beingness,” we are able then to begin blessing life “with the presence of Buddhic awareness” that we have internalized.

Today as we “ascend the mountan peaks of greater presence, the emanations of the Buddha ”surround us, enfusing us with divine light that when fully taken in, allows this Buddhic consciousness to be wholly ours.

From the Royal Teton and from Mount Shasta, the Buddhas call. Come to Montana over the Independence Day week set aside upon the mountaintop at Big Sky to receive greater initiation of the Kali Mother who comes to strip the earth of darkness” and prepare us for our “ultimate ascent into Nirvana.” Lord Lanto wants us to know that he will be there with us at Big Sky.

And today he speaks from Shasta, revealing that “upon every mountain peak, East and West, the bells of the Buddhas ring, calling "all of mankind to rise up higher and “be the One!”

080523 El Morya Mt. Shasta

Together We Will Fulfill the Fiery Destiny of America

A fiery El Morya came Friday evening, May 23rd, as the first master to speak at the Mount Shasta event. In referring to each participant’s declaration, he said, “I weave a coil of blue fire around the words. And angels of the first ray have already embroidered your statement on a banner of light which is now raised to the peak of Shasta. One day you may decide to climb to the top and see spiritually these statements of fire that vibrate in the etheric, blessed hearts. You see, it was these declarations of your forefathers that carved the pathway by which this nation was created. Some of you were among them in the past, and you have come once again to fulfill that original declaration.”

From the beginning we were winning, but now near the ending, as messengers I am sending you on your mission. Beginning this day May 23, 2008 your messengership begins anew, your journey is set before you and the angels of the new blue give to each of you a map. Is it a treasure map or one that shows the route to the peak? It may be both. But if you follow my lead I will take you there, bounding up the mountain. Together we will fulfill the fiery destiny of America, blessed ones.”

080525 Maha Chohan from Mount Shasta

Heartfriends Group of Mount Shasta Inaugurated!

After blessing the inauguration of the Heartfriends Group of Mount Shasta, the beloved Maha Chohan sealed the conference with these words, “O Comforter Divine, O Holy Spirit of all life of whom I am the representative in this hour, blaze forth! Blaze forth! And reveal only light, only love, only God within these, your servant sons and daughters. In the name of the original Comforter, I seal this conference, I seal these hearts. Amen.”

080522 Buddha of the Ruby Ray

Emulate the Buddha and Become the Fullness of that Light

This morning at the conclusion of our 8-Day Vigil on behalf of Mother Earth, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray comes radiating “the essence of ruby awareness of Buddha” from deep within the earth. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray lives in the core of the earth emanating Buddhic awareness and sustaining a holy balance for all life through the accelerated love fire that he holds for the earth “on behalf of the coming Age of Aquarius which is here even now within [our] hearts.”

Because of the vigil, we are told that “much has been mitigated; much has been forestalled and allayed. But most especially that within you that has been problematic for the victory of your soul has been washed clean in the violet and ruby fire of divine love.” The beloved elementals, so very grateful for our efforts, ask us to continue to “pray for the mitigation of cataclysm, for the awakening of mankind to their Buddha nature and to the acceptance of a new way of living in harmony with the One.”

Speaking of the principles of conscious living, The Buddha of the Ruby Ray admonishes all to “discern love in all of its variegated manifestations within the core of being. Know your heart one with God at all times, in all places, through all circumstances and even as your karma is outplayed and challenges come and greater surrender is required, you will see love as that key that will unlock holy purpose, divine destiny within.”

The Buddha of the Ruby Ray will be with us in Shasta this weekend “within the mountain with many divine masters and Buddhas to separate the truth from the error of being and to draw all into the heart of the Mother once again.”

Listen to the Buddha of the Ruby Ray’s entire message and participate in the morning devotional service.

080520 Prince Oromasis, Hierarch of the Fire Eelement

Day seven of the 8-Day vigil for Mother Earth

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Fire to Change Your World

Into One that is Divine, Beautiful and Pristine

Avery fiery Prince Oromasis came today to fan the fire of God within us that we may “begin to know something of the very sun presence of our own God-reality which is truly a solar world of itself.” He said that as solar flares have their effects on the electromagnetic field of the earth, so it is with us when our Presence sends a ray of fire to our heart, our entire being may be electrostatically charged with the cosmic currents of our own Solar Presence. And when at times we feel the burdens of life . . .we may call to the fiery salamanders and Oromasis and Diana “to re-enfire us with the allness of that solar light.”

Beloved Oromasis spoke of how the “gift of the violet fire of Saint Germain and the masters of the seventh ray is given unto mankind so that they may experience the very burning up of their karma before the notable day of the Lord. . .” He also told us that when we see molten lava (from volcanoes) that we should not despair, because it is a “certain action of the fire commingled with the earth itself,. . . for the purpose of the cleansing of the earth itself by the power of the fire of God.”

“And we do give our accolades to those of you who are entering into beloved Djwal Kul’s breathing exercises. For as you partake of these rituals daily, you’ll begin to understand how essential it is that in order to move into your immortality, your divine purpose and your reason for being at the highest aspects of evolution, there must be that cosmic cleansing of every aspect of your being, your aura and even your physical bodies, blessed ones.”

Click here to access and listen to the entire message from Prince Oromasis and to participate in Day Seven of our Eight-Day Vigil on behalf of Mother Earth.


080519 Aries & Gautama's Wesak Address and Day 6 of our 8-Day Vigil for Elemental Life

Blessed Sylphs Write a New Law of Love-wisdom Across the Skies For the Sons and Daughters of God

The "mother spirit of the air," Aries, "flew in" this morning to impress upon us joy and lightness of heart and mind and asked us to bring cosmic joy to our brothers and sisters who may be burdened. "The key to your adeptship," she said, "is the spirit most holy animating that heart-mind connection whereby the frequencies of love-wisdom are always present within your aura and the balance that you have in thought and in the movement of the energies of God's feelings through your consciousness play out as beautiful renditions of co-creations of joy with the Divine One. As you muse on the divine world all around you, you can bring this beauty into greater physical manifestation through the joy spirit of a heart uplifted to God." Likewise, "begin to think anew thoughts of graciousness towards all life and when you catch yourself temporarily musing on lack or the seeming faults of others or of yourself take a deep breath, release those thoughts and feelings and allow the new stream and breath of the Godhead to be where you are as you ingest this new life of the Spirit." As she took her leave, Aries sang a song of gratitude: "Grateful are we for you, each one. Grateful, O grateful, O grateful light glow here. Glow there. Glow everywhere as love-wisdom globes arise to fill the skies. Many balloons of light now fill the atmosphere. And as you take your cosmic needle and pop them one by one, the earth will be suffused with your personal presence of joy." Click here to access the entire message and the morning vigil.


Gautama's Full Wesak Message of the Morning - Monday, May 19, 2008

Gautama Lays a Blanket upon the Grass and Invites Us to his Picnic

Peace flow. Shambhala radiance now glow within these, oh Lord, as the golden sunlight of Buddhic awareness emanations of the great central sun come here and impress the Mother flow to all. I represent the One, that one within you if you choose to be the One—the one eternal flame, the all-knowing fire, the ever-present spirit and the all-powerful virya of the hub. What is all this hub-a-baloo upon earth that we see as suffering, as the chaos in men's minds? I clear it now as I lay a blanket upon the grass as a feast of light for all. Come to my picnic and partake of light. Sing with the elementals, dance around the rosie light. Hold hands and feel the pulsation of the cosmic Buddhas whose mindfulness I receive on behalf of earth and whose radiance may be yours as your Heartstream merges with the One. Man has become as a porcupine and I would remove the quills of a defense that is no longer necessary and add the oil as I massage you, each one, in light. From a new point of holy being you may know God's love-wisdom. Be all who you are as the Buddha, as the Mother, as the One. The path is simple. Being. Knowing. Loving. Let the Buddhic way flow. Let your mindfulness grow. And let the Allness of the One bestow upon you day by day greater solar awareness, even as the smiles of all sons of heaven shine upon you. Yes, blessed ones, every star in the heavens is smiling at you, with you, for you. So smile as we partake of this holy feast of light at our picnic today. I will be with you throughout this Wesak day and night emanating from within each solar cell the Buddhic awareness which is already yours to bestow to all life. Be the bestowal always for me. This is my request and this is my bequest to each of you.

I love you, I am with you, I AM.

Messenger's comment : Gautama's picnic blanket covers the earth. It is quite a spread. If you thought Saint Germain was a master of precipitation, you should see Gautama.

080518 Beloved Thor - Day Five of the 8-Day Vigil for Elemental Life

Attach Yourself to the Very Molecules of Godhood Who You Are
And Simply Slip Right into the Very Essence of God

As a veritable whirlwind appearing suddenly in the natural world, so Thor came very nearly at the stroke of 6 am today: "With an air of cosmic delight I greet you this morning, and I am here to release the sacred air into your lungs impelling you higher...I, Thor, come this day to thunder the very voice of God within the elements of your world whereby as you meditate upon the sun and all that vibrates within the atmosphere of your earth, you may come to know something more of the very essence of the fire, of the air, the water and the earth who you are in form."
Interpenetrating every aspect of the wisdom teachings that were delivered this morning was the certain understanding that ascending on "cosmic currents of the Holy Spirit to greater awareness of the love-wisdom-power of the Divine One" is as natural a process as breathing itself. "Why have any sense of limitation of what is possible for you, blessed hearts?" Pointing out that the ancient yogis "have known the science of holy pranayama whereby they have had access to the higher thoughts of God vibrating in the ethers," he asked us to breathe deeply as he breathed into us the very essence of that spirit.
"And by the power of cosmic transmutation through the wind comingled with the violet laser light there is the total and complete dissolution of this [all impurity that we would release to him] into pure light.... So in the cycling of holy respiration, know God within." Click here to access this entire HeartStream and the lively Sunday service from Dallas, Texas with the voices of heartfriends from around the country sharing their experiences in HeartReach activities.

image source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap070130.html

080517 Luara

Understand the Mystery of the Waters of Life

Flowing in a gentle stream of love this morning, Beloved Luara—Hierarch of the Water Element with her twin flame Neptune—enfolded us in the sanctity of the point of our “origin within the womb of the cosmic Mother,” so that we “may know surcease from all struggle and simply abide there oh so close to her heart….All of the qualities of the Mother’s heart are there for [us] to discern, to feel and to move within in [our] sacred meditation upon the beingness of her energy.”

We are reminded of the importance of caring for elemental life within the oceans, lakes, seas, streams, rivers and all bodies of water. If we simply take “the fish and other creatures without honoring their habitats and the processes of life” then we “set back the cycling of life within the four lower bodies of the earth…,then [we] will truly see how the earth itself will take back from mankind that which is not rightfully [ours] to have, as [we] have seen it manifest in what [we] have called ‘natural disasters.’”

In appreciation for our participation in this 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth, Luara comments “Even as you have striven in this vigil to support the elementals and nature spirits they will come to your aid when you revere them, love them, pray for them and honor all that they do for the earth and for mankind.”

At the end of her message Luara returns to her meditation upon the “cosmic sea of the allness of the One,” and explains the value of our own meditation: “And as through your meditations you once again enter the sacred sanctuary that [the Mother] has provided for you within the flow of her being, then all that is true about you is nourished, all that is real is accentuated, all that is noble and holy is there fully for you to partake of as food for thought, food for the soul, food for your spiritual growth, your greater understanding of your mission, your very life and of why you were born in this world.”

Listen to Luara’s entire message and participate in day four of the Vigil for Mother Earth.

080516 Neptune, Hierarch of the Water Element

Fulfilling our Destiny to Love and Know the Allness of our Divine Nature

As the water element abundantly covers and composes the earth and fills our own earth bodies, so the understanding streaming from the heart of the cosmic elemental being Neptune in this morning's session covered many areas of our life and filled us with greater wisdom to accomplish our mission in coming to earth. From helping us to wash clean our emotions and all that vibrates within our auras to showing us the process and symbolic meaning of transmuting ancient prophecies, even of the Mayans, this HeartStream provides precious keys for all of us and is especially worth listening to in its entirety. A few bites of the whole loaf are offered here for your enjoyment in the meantime:

  • Live in the love of your Buddha nature, the sacred emanation of wakefulness in God's mind.

  • Take time each day to meditate upon the great crystal of the Higher Self to surmise how you may be a purifying molecule in the great body of the Mother of the earth itself.

  • Only when the earth is fully subsumed into the star-fire presence of crystal-light energy through the enlightenment of all earth's evolutions will our work by complete.

Click here to listen to Neptune’s entire message and to participate in Day Three of our 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth

080515 Beloved Virgo Hierarch of the Earth Element

Day Two of the Eight-Day Vigil on Behalf of the four Hierarchs of the Elementals and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray

What is Important is Life, is Love, is Givingness, is Self-transcendence

Through Being an Assist to All Life and to Others

Coming in gratitude this morning for the action of spiritual light that was invoked, Beloved Virgo, hierarch of the Earth Element with her twin Pelleur, commented that many more are coming to an understanding that all that they do, feel, think “and cognize through consciousness affects the entire sphere of awareness of a planet.”

“For a greater stability to be maintained upon and within the earth,” Virgo said that the work we did this morning “must be ongoing in nature and greater numbers of lightsharers across the earth must come to know the importance of the application of the science of sound through mantra, prayer and invocation such as you have engaged in today.” Therefore she asks all to take 10-15 minutes each day “in a very conscious application of the science of solar emanation from within the core of your being to appreciate and bless and raise elemental life in the earth body.” If we would do so, we “would see less of an outpicturing of the intensity of storm or tornado, earthquake, flood, fire” and that which we term “natural disasters.”

Virgo reminds us that these are the attempts of the elementals and their hierarchs “to bring harmony once again, whereby there is the sloughing off of the karmic outpicturing of mankind’s unconscious awareness in acts of un-mercy toward life.”

“Though some of you may experience in some way the very stripping away of all that you saw as part of self—as possession, as home, as land, even as family—maintain your connection with the Eternal One...for this is what is real. This is what will carry you through thick and thin, through every trial and test such that you may truly know God in the totality of beingness who you truly are.”

Virgo concluded her message by blessing our physical bodies with “greater energy, radiance and consciousness” even as we care for the “physical cells, organs and systems of that which is [our] holy body temple.”

Click here to listen to Virgo’s entire message and to participate in Day Two of the Eight-Day Vigil on behalf of the Four Hierarchs of the Elementals and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.

080514 Pelleur

Virgo and Pelleur Come to Initiate an 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth

The messenger began this morning’s service with an announcement that the Buddha of the Ruby Ray has called for an 8-day vigil to assist Mother Earth during this time of earth changes. As we resolve our own core issues and then focus our prayers on elemental life with the violet flame we can, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, be a point of peace for the Earth, assisting in stabilizing the core of the earth. Virgo and Pelleur, the hierarchs of the earth element, came at the end of the service sending the vibration of the sound of “Uuurrrrr” deep within the earth.

“As you maintain harmony through the light of the ur at the core of your being, we are able to more easily sustain for all evolutions the balance of Mother Earth. How you manifest that balance within the earth element of your own being decides the fate of your own earth, your own physical temple.” We were also asked to “maintain that perfect crystal vision of this planetary home as clear, as radiant, already emanating fully its solar essence in all quadrants of being, at all levels of consciousness… One day all will be liberated and the Earth as a sun shall shine in all of its glory. This is our hope, this is what we hold in our mind’s eye for the very being of Gaia, the very essence of the Moth-er.”

Pelleur gave many examples of words like “brother” and “sister” (and the word “earth” itself), that contain the sound of ur. “As you say these words from this day forward, endow them with that light of ur and know blessed ones, how much you are cared for by the earth, by Virgo and Pelleur.

We were told that if we would like to have seven gnomes with us on our walks in nature, “then name them, invite them, along with the chohans, to do their works of beauty, to fulfill assignments that you give them. So they will revel in the light of your aura, even as they attempt to fulfill their reason for being—to sustain harmony and balance and love in the earth. We trust ;-) that you will not name them Grumpy or Sleepy or Dopey, but name them names that befit their office as servitors of the Mother Earth.” Pelleur spoke of the many gnomes and all of the hierarchs of the elementals, who are already gathering at Shasta in anticipation of our coming and the spiritual work that we will do together.

Click here to access Pelleur’s entire message and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service for the healing of Mother Earth.

080512 Lanello's Luminaries of Love-Wisdom

Opportunity Knocks for Each Disciple Each Day…

"…to be or not to be God in manifestation." Lanello comes this morning saying, "Many are called and few choose complete self-identification in God, yet these may follow many unique pathways to heaven's glory. And often it is the maverick, the outcast who embrace the true teacher and inner mentor."…Others, however, "would rely on truths spoken during previous generations but ignore the divine reason emerging in the chrysalis of the now."
Lanello speaks of "mindful engagement in a new heart revolution [which] keeps
the engines of Selfhood revving," as opposed to "rote recitation of mantras [which] snuff out the creative fires of the spirit." The Hearts Center movement, he says, is "a new beginning for those who are visionaries of the spirit, who would improve upon our previous foundation through an application of heart-wisdom now descending to Earth from cosmic spheres. It requires a magnanimous approach to life to change one's outlook and positioning, but this is the requirement of the hour.
"As the Aquarian waters drawn forth from cosmic urns begin to flow, vibration education will become the norm in this era. Spiritual processes of reconnecting with one's divine blueprint in joyful learning and practical exercises are the need of the hour."
Those who "continually question that which issues forth from our fount" are advised to "abide always in the love-fires of higher reason" and to be very careful about thoughts and feelings that come from the lesser self. "Make your purpose to serve God within all. For this truth shall set you free to soar with the eagle, Sanat Kumara." Lanello concludes his message with these loving words: "May my blessings sustain you and the magnanimity of Morya goad you higher, my friend."

080511 Lanello on Mothers' Day

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit and of the Mother Light

Lanello's words came to us right at the six o'clock hour this Mothers' Day morning as Luminaries of Love-Wisdom. He began by speaking of himself as a child in his final embodiment praying for the Holy Spirit, feeling "the upsurge of light and of holiness" in his soul that led to his greater mission as a messenger for the ascended masters. And then he shared how the same "very personal way" of praying to the Divine Mother had brought David to his own anointing as a messenger to carry on the mission of the Mother.

"And it is fitting and apt that on this day, both Pentecost and Mothers' Day, that you understand the divine energies that may flow through your being when you activate certain innate frequencies of the Spirit and the Mother within you through constancy in your devotions and meditations, all opened through the portal of your heart." Within the Hearts Center the Mother established the daily giving of the rosary so that the tangible mantle of light, "a veritable garland of spiritual roses" upon our crowns would enable many of us to also be her representatives. Lanello reminded us "...how important it is to continue in [our] daily devotional renderings...focusing through the heart and breathing light in and out through this sacred center. The angels of the Buddha and the Mother come to those who understand this science and increase the light within [us]..." as we are able to receive, accelerate and distribute their divine love-wisdom energies.

"As an agent of both [the Holy Spirit and the Mother] I will lead you to the fount of wisdom, love and power within, for within your heart center is the key to unlock this stream of beingness and glory this day and every day."

Click here to access the replay of this entire HeartStream and the Family Service, which includes personal stories of the miracles of Archangel Michael and beautiful tributes to the mothers of many heartfriends in our community.

080511 Maha Chohan on Pentecost

Realize Your Full Potential to Be God, Only God

On this day of Pentecost, the beloved Maha Chohan—the representative of the Holy Spirit for the Earth and her evolutions—came with fire and gentleness to “release within your aura the flaming fire of the cosmic dove which descends upon you as you are able to receive it this day for the empowerment of that who I AM and who you may be by God’s Grace.”

We are reminded that “the very living light of God’s glory is available” to us each day, and that as we “invoke the nine gifts of the Spirit and more” the presence of the Maha Chohan will assist us in “becoming the fullness of [our] own God-reality,” his presence “may flow through [our consciousness], [his] reality will be there to uphold [us] and to turn [us] away from any speck of darkness within [our] being, [so we may] attune to the highest co-creative possibility of the Godhood where [we] are.”

After urging us with great fervor to “arise into the fullness” of who we are, the Maha Chohan then came as a “gentle comforting presence to be with [us] in the stillness of silence.” We can know his presence “in the wind, in the omnipresence of nature, in the rippling of the water, in the singing of the birds, in the movement of the trees and in the gentleness of God’s presence within [our] heart.”

The Maha Chohan sealed his message this morning by asking all to “Come to Mount Shasta and receive of the liquid living essence of the beings [of the Seven Chohans], for [the Maha Chohan] will take all that they release, pouring it into the chalice of [our] being to make [us] whole once again in the whole I-Spirit.”

080509 Beloved Lanello

Luminaries of Love-Wisdom—Exploring the Heart of Truth

As we are nearing Pentecost (Sunday, May 11) our beloved Lanello came very early this morning to prepare our hearts. He spoke of the love of the Spirit, the need for an open heart and the continuation of the dispensation of the Two Witnesses through the Hearts Center.

“For as my joy is full in manifesting the Christ consciousness, so yours may also be full and radiant as we work together to form a most blessed chalice of light through our joint work to fulfill the Mission of the Two Witnesses spoken of in Revelation, for blessed ones, this mission cannot be fully realized except it be by the expansion of our hearts and this, through the glorious luminary of love…. You who are listening to or reading these words may be those who will carry on the Mission of the Two Witnesses in this hour through your own inner testimony, through the voice of divine reason that speaks within your own heart and soul, because you have allowed that Word to ignite something fresh and new within.”

Lanello said that Jesus brought a “new law of love and compassion.” Now Lanello comes “to radiate a new law of love-wisdom to those whose hearts are open,” and reminds us that the Spirit knows who we are, but that we are just beginning to realize who we are as God knows us. And this Self-realization may only come when we enter the heart of God through the luminary of the Spirit. Jesus said that the Comforter would come and so it did come “on Pentecost to empower those who witnessed his life and his light.”


080508 Beloved Jasmine

The Fragrance of the Mother’s Heart

At the request of the elementals, Beloved Jasmine—the queen of the fragrance elementals and nature spirits—came this morning bringing “a new fragrance of the Mother’s heart” and “to urge mankind to learn a greater sensitivity to the beloved elementals throughout the world who serve [our] Mother Earth.”

As we are nearly on the eve of Mother’s Day, Jasmine asks us to “take time to meditate upon the Mother energies that flow in and through nature and the very body of the Earth Mother herself.” She reminds us that “the Mother is the chalice for the flow of all of the creative energies of the Father’s Spiritual fire manifest in form. And without her great brooding presence and willingness to bear his children [we] would have no life, no opportunity for spiritual evolution and self transcendence.”

The current flooding in the Far East and volcanic eruptions in South America are the “Mother’s attempt to once again bring balance and harmony to the earth, both deep within her core and then upon the surface of her very body upon which [we] live.”

Connect with the Elementals Each Day

We are asked to have mercy upon the Mother and her beloved elementals each day by our love of the Mother within us and within nature:

  • Resolve all within us that “has gone out of the way of love and harmony”

  • Emanate “perfect joy, appreciation and love for the Mother Light within the nature kingdom everywhere”

  • Walk upon the earth

  • Solar gaze with great devotion to the Source of all life

  • Grow and nurture plants

  • Appreciate the beauty and fragrance of each flower

Click here to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service and to listen to Jasmine’s entire message.

080507 Kuthumi - Healing Through the Open Portal of Our Hearts

Beloved Kuthumi came this morning in radiance and gentility, teaching the full reintegration of light within us as love. “This love comes from the heart of the Mother, coursing through your soul, re-stitching those frayed elements of selfhood that, through a simple lack of awareness and presence, you have allowed to go out of the way.”

The Master teaches us that when we still our mind and truly listen to the needs of another—hearing with intention the core of their pain, we can be a very present resource of light for the reconnection of that one soul to spirit through our heart of love. “I come this day to tell you that at the core of any and all true healing methodologies is the vibration of the Holy Spirit and at the core of this is God’s love.”

As Kuthumi surveys the souls of the disciples of the ascended masters the world around, he sees that the balancing factor of love-wisdom is bringing us into a new paradigm of oneness. He says that no matter what comes our way, in terms of challenge and days ahead, we can allow our heart to “sing and remain open to the continuing discourse of heaven, to the radiance of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe; to the frequencies of brotherhood and unity and to the very light of that Christ who [we] are at [our] core, blessed ones.”

080506 El Morya Your Buddha Nature

Your Buddha Nature

Vehicle for Your Soul’s Ascent to Perfect Oneness

Early this morning, El Morya came with his teaching and commentary on the Buddha Nature Chart. “I would speak on your Buddha nature. As you gaze on the image of Your Buddha nature beautifully provided to The Hearts Center by the careful brushstrokes of the accomplished artist Norman Thomas Miller, you see a most glorious rendition in form of the very formless beingness of your Divine Reality presented in graphic two-dimensional form.”

El Morya gave us many keys for our victory including: our “Buddha nature has access to all the gifts and graces of the Spirit” within our Causal Body and “our Buddha nature is the allness of God whom we already are but whom we must fully accept and become through letting go of the human ego and lower nature and fully embracing the divine light within.”

“In truth, you are more than all of this, because in your Buddha essence you live, move and have your being in many dimensions of light beyond the physical universe. And yet, this rendering of the True You is a great visual that you may use in your meditations and while giving your prayers, mantras, decrees and songs, for through your sight you tap into the divine world in which your Buddha nature lives and coexists with the One God.”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.


080504 Lord Himalaya

Lord Himalaya Would Sponsor a Meditation Seminar

The Hearts Center cup of light was full to overflowing today from the earliest moments of the 6 AM session through the concluding moments of a Spanish Broadcast with words of appreciation from the Blessed Mother for her dear sons and daughters in the Spanish-speaking community.
El Morya began the day discoursing on the ritual of holding the immaculate concept and led a prayer session that concluded with the washing and cleansing of our auras in the violet fire. The family service was dedicated to the ritual of expressing appreciation and one by one those present at Wellspring gave their heartfelt statements of grateful appreciation and heartfriends participating on the broadcast sent in their emails, which were also shared. It was a joyous and unifying celebration in preparation for El Morya's HeartStream.
Through Appreciation You Rise, You Ascend, You Become

He expressed his own appreciation for "the chela who is becoming the master and entering into the very will of God in the process." To Lord Himalaya he offered the lotus of our love created out of our sacred ritual of appreciation and knelt before him. He asked us to take a moment to feel the outbreath of Lord Himalaya and "receive the new impulses of Alpha and Omega that cycle through his being." Then he announced the seminar on meditation that will enable Lord Himalaya to give us keys to the mind, the will and the love of God in its highest aspect as we are able to receive it. Click here to access this morning's memorable service.

Image: On the Heights www.roerich.org

080502 Jesus’ Ascension Day Message

The Celebration of the Ascension of Beloved Jesus and Saint Germain

“So I come on this celebration of my ascent to empower you, to reconnect you in a greater action of holiness.” Jesus spoke tenderly of our oneness with him as the “clasp” on the “golden necklace” of the hierarchical chain that links our hearts with all gurus who “provide that clear pathway to the light.” It was a special evening of song and devotion, discourse and HeartStream last night as heartfriends gathered to celebrate the victory of the ascension of our beloved Jesus and his father, Saint Germain. A replay of Mother Mary’s Heartstream from the day before made complete the presence and radiation of the Holy Family.

“The time is now, blessed ones, that you take all that you have learned, all that you have become and fully embrace the pathway before you to be that doorway to many souls. What this will require remains to be seen in the outpicturing of your life as a life of service, as a life of givingness, as a life of love.”

And so Jesus gave us a key to the fulfilling of our mission: “If there be first and foremost your personal maintenance of cosmic joy by your Presence fully manifest where you are day and night, then every sharing of your heart with others, every interaction, every communication will be heart-centered, will be sublime, will be empowered by the Comforter.” And in offering Holy Communion he spoke of his great joy, “the joy of [giving] to you, each one, the cup overflowing of the water of life freely. I offer it to you. I emanate it to you.”

Click here to access the entire service including the messages from both Jesus and Saint Germain.