071129 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #6

During this period until Christmas in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.

Throughout the day, as we meditate upon these words and the keys within them, we will have new levels of understanding; we will be uplifted in this spirit of joy and become a cosmic distributor of joy to many, many souls.

  • Our heavenly laughing gas is concentrated joy.

  • Every fairy godmother who exists in the minds and hearts of children may really be so through the intercession of the angels of joy.

  • Divine lightning carries megajoules of joy.

  • My formula for increasing joy: serve, serve and serve again.

  • The institution that includes the greatest health benefits and retirement perks and promotes everlasting joy is the kingdom of God!

  • Impound my vessel of joy.

  • Pine is one element of joy’s fragrance.

  • You inhale particles of joy into your spiritual circuitry between each quick breath when you engage in hasya yoga or what we term divine laughter therapy.

  • Joy is Fortuna’s backup.

  • Providential intercessions are always meticulously planned by the marketing angels who serve under the auspices of Joy.

  • Reliance upon God as the honey of joy is brought to bear in all sticky situations.

  • That which carries joy to the meek and humble of heart is their true inheritance.

071128 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #5

During this period until Christmas in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.

May your day be blessed and graced with joy as you meditate upon today’s jewels from the heart of Jesus:

071127 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #4

During this period until Christmas, in which we are giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy.

May your day be blessed and graced with joy as you meditate upon today’s jewels from the heart of Jesus:

071126—Jesus Jewels of Joy #3

We are blessed once again with Jesus’ delivery of Jewels of Joy in this thirty- three day cycle of preparation for a most holy Christmas:

  • Every experience of joy embellishes your aura with a crystal radiance that may be made permanent as it continues to light your way to the reality of God-beingness.

  • The ascended masters are your true Friends of Joy.

  • Conscious participants in our Father-Mother’s plan for world salvation always have the joy of the angels as a boon to inspire them to heroic deeds.

  • Freedom to pursue the highest trajectory is a soul’s greatest joy.

  • Wisdom powered by love is the joy of Christhood.

  • The conquering ones must learn to release all elements of anti-joy that have bound them to others’ battles which are not the work of solar liberation.

  • Portents of joy are everywhere in nature.

  • Transitory happiness is not the joy of the Solar Lords, whose impeccable precision in directing cosmic currents of love-wisdom is their joyful responsibility to serve vast evolutions.

  • The alchemy of joy is found in every child’s spontaneous laughter. Study this dynamic stream from which they drink to perceive our sacred elixir.

  • Guidance toward the higher life and walk with God is the joyous work of the spiritual community known as the Universal White Brotherhood.

  • A life of principled living must be accompanied by joy so it will not be sullied by the rigidity of pride.

  • Godly acts always bring joy to the world today.

071125 Jesus Jewels of Joy #2

The Purity of Joy in Action

Heartfriends at Wellspring found themselves without power and thus without internet this beautiful snowy Sunday morning in Montana. With great joy cell phones were used to accomplish the broadcast through Sacramento. After a few prayers to Jesus and Magda, the whole gang at Wellspring piled into the Messenger's van so the phone could be plugged in for power. And the show went on... as David read the Jewels of Joy and Jesus asked that the commentary be offered by the vanful of heartfriends who were indeed having a joyous experience they would never forget.

  • The treasure chest of joy is the heart.

  • Joy is a friendly fire that resonates within and clings to both giver and receiver throughout their time of awareness in its presence.

  • Joy supports the transmutation of attitude into a new domain of beingness.

  • Joy is not hilarity, though it may outpicture through a gleeful spirit who cares not for self-gratification but is grateful to the Divine Self for all that is.

  • Joy’s work delivers mankind from injustice which cannot be the carrier for its light. It sings to the downtrodden and possesses those who do the will of God.

  • Finding joy is a matter of awareness; for she can be experienced even in dire circumstances and moments when evil would wash away your remembrance of the divine world when you focus on appreciation.

  • One cannot be fully complete without joy. Thus, sing an ode to joy when preparing for every battle, especially all your deep, internal work.

  • Joy says, “This day I have begotten thee, O soul. Now rise and speak only of the joyous acceleration of light within and know me as your loving Self.”

  • Every party to joy knows no bounds.

  • The winsome know joy as victory’s voice which speaks during every supreme act of overcoming the lesser self.

  • Work in joy and every day’s arrows will fly swiftly and be true to their mark.

  • Joy is the produce and the flowers at every market.

071124 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #1

During this period until Christmas, in which we our giving the Rosary of Faith each day focusing on the Psalms, beloved Jesus will also bless and guide our meditation each morning with twelve aphorisms and commentary conveying the spirit of joy, entitled Jewels of Joy:

  • Joust with joyous expectation that the Lord is always at your side and that his light is delivered within every thrust.

  • The godless have no joy but the righteous delight in her gracious appearance within every act of kindness.

  • The forces of nature are always backed by the powers of God’s joy.

  • The transcendent benefits of joy are that she always radiates enough light to brighten the darkest hour and the moodiest of souls.

  • Overcome the lunar cycles of pessimism by the solar seasons of joy.

  • The proud celebrate human ego achievement whereas the humble revel in God’s great doings through joy.

  • Even a short reflection on joy brings a broad smile to my face and an expansion of my heart’s love-fires.

  • My Presence is the presence of Joy.

  • Eyes filled with the Spirit’s joy are portals for God’s glory to shine everywhere.

  • Retracing joy’s coursings in your life will always lead you back to God’s heart.

  • Parental direction conveyed with true joy will more easily be accepted and honored.

  • Joy’s principles support your deliverance from baseness and her precepts evoke spontaneity and generosity.

071124 Lady Kristine’s Chrims #33 & #34

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them her very essence, as grace, comes to us in her radiance. Our task then is to anchor this gift of light here in these planes by being the conscious receptors of her words and of what is behind the words. As we assimilate and become this teaching, God can use us to radiate grace to all we meet. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us and all life in a garment of grace. With the following beautiful words of grace, Beloved Lady Kristine concludes her series of Chrisms:

  • All proclivities towards the five misappropriated passions of anger, envy, lust, greed and pride may be dissolved in grace’s divine solution.

  • God endowed you with a divine spark through which he granted you ready access to his heart of grace. It is time to cash in your stock and fly.

  • A full harvest always awaits those who sow, water, fertilize and weed with grace.

  • Transmute road rage to race grace.

  • Before every human tragedy grace approached and offered a way out, but those embroiled in self ignored her steady gaze and ready healing.

  • Let your MySpace space be radiant with grace.

  • Every divine offering keeps grace in mind and beauty in heart.

  • It is always propitious to follow grace’s lead especially when entering dangerous territory.

  • Only grace can darn socks strong enough to protect your Achilles heel.

  • Grace’s angels’ advice when all your travel plans are made—wing it!

  • Grace invites you to try her new crystal abacus when you count your blessings.

  • Grace’s only indiscretion is that she is constantly cheating on death.

  • A life lived to the glory of God is always rife with challenge but also ripe with grace.

  • If you must be contentious, then at least do it with grace.

  • A fallow field of consciousness asks for opportunity, but a fertile field of awareness invites grace.

  • The divinely prolific have always had grace in their drawing room.

  • Grace’s staunch ally is trust.

  • Beingness is more about grace then intensity.

  • Grace says, “You paint the picture and I will fill in the subtle tones and hues.”

  • The possibilities of offering grace are infinite, for the Infinite resides in her every offering.

071123 -Maitreya

Maitreya Seals Us in Cosmic Presence

“I am Maitreya and I come to give you of my heart. Access to the heart of God is a sacred gift and every ascended master offers a point of entry, a channel of access to that perfect love.” So began this morning’s beautiful, loving discourse from Lord Maitreya, inspiring us as to what attaining our own Christhood will mean for thousands and even millions. This will occur with the flowering of our minds, one with God, if we maintain the thread of contact, “which I say this day must be more than a fine thread, it must grow to be a cosmic cable through which there is the strong connection between your world and ours.”

Speaking of our daily prayer sessions, Maitreya called them an opportunity to reconnect in this process, “and those of you who have partaken of them in constancy know the great joy of beingness in the company of angels and the saints of heaven and of your holy brothers and sisters, the saints upon earth. One of the purposes of this movement besides giving you an opportunity to reconnect with your own God Presence in greater measure, is to reconnect with many hearts who long ago vowed to sustain the world through love. And thus The Hearts Center is a sacred circle of fiery hearts who understand the process of beingness and of gracing the earth with presence always.” As our souls rise to new heights of victory of love in action through compassion we, one with Maitreya, will “see the beautiful gaze of the Divine Mother in the heavens, and together we will sing her song, the new song of joy.”

071122 Thanksgiving Day-Jesus

May the Peace of Your God presence Flow unto You On this Blessed Thanksgiving Morn

Thirty-Three Day Novena

The blessing of receiving Beloved Lady Kristine’s chrisms was the coming of Grace to prepare us for the coming of the Lord on Christmas Day. We are asked by Jesus to begin a thirty-three day novena today of the giving of the Rosary of Faith, prayer 9.014, and ending on Christmas Eve. The Book of Psalms from the Old Testament is to be our scriptural reading between the devotions to the seven archeiai: Faith, Christine, Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst. Through the giving of this rosary, choirs of angels surround the earth; through the speaking of the words of the Psalms, we become the Word; and through our praise and thanksgiving, we receive the graces of the Christ consciousness within.

Praise is the Acceptance and Reflection of God’s Spirit Where We Are

Beloved Jesus in his annual Thanksgiving Day Message this morning, reminded us of the greatness of the very givingness of the Father/Mother God, saying that as we give our praise and thanksgiving “for all of the graces and gifts of the Spirit that God has endowed us with, we come into a greater knowledge and a gnosis of his Presence within us.” Once we understand this equation of the Christ consciousness and what it will mean for each of us “when [we] dwell always in the presence of the Lord, then [we] cannot help but always be in the Spirit of Thanksgiving for that which God bestows endlessly unto [us].” We are told that there is no limitation to what we can attain to when we put God first in our life and when all that we do is done to the glory of God—for his purposes, for his light to prevail, and for the greater mission to be accomplished, sphere upon sphere, worlds without end.

Our Heart as a Fount of Fire May Be for God His Dwelling Place Upon Earth

When we make time for silence and go deep within and attend to the flame within our heart and “see it burst forth as a great conflagration of sacred fire. . . and then give praise to God for this eternal fire within, [then we] will know the true meaning of Thanksgiving and of the ritual of the harvest. . . .”

Beloved Jesus concluded his message by telling us that he would be within our hearts today and every day if we would have him. “Yes I can move mountains for you and with you, mountains of pride, mountains of sorrow, mountains of unconsciousness. And in their stead I bring greater light, light, light to you.”

We are then each asked to “bow to the Lord God, the I AM THAT I AM,” and to take a moment within the silence of our hearts, to give our thanks today.

071122 Lady Kristine chrism #32

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them her very essence, as grace, comes to us in her radiance. Our task then is to anchor this gift of light here in these planes by being the conscious receptors of her words and of what is behind the words. As we assimilate and become this teaching, God can use us to radiate grace to all we meet. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us and all life in a garment of grace.

  • Talk about spontaneity! You should get to know grace!

  • Grace is what every man seeks and what every conscious woman already has.

  • The five elements are all carriers of grace, but throughout the ages water has been the most easily conveyed, both in baptism and in bathing.

  • Grace's granddaddy is compassion and grandmommy, mercy.

  • Studying the material world while also engaging in introspection allows the birthing of the divine science of grace.

  • Teaching of grace begins in utero and before.

  • Every virgin thought as an immaculate conception may give rise to the fullness of grace within you.

  • The principles of grace are found in every crystal and her values in every flower.

  • Every redeemer, world savior and avatar was tutored by grace.

  • The understanding that God values every life from conception onward as sacred may only be acknowledged when you also believe in grace.

071121 Lady Kristine #31

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them her very essence, as grace, comes to us in her radiance. Our task then is to anchor this gift of light here in these planes by being the conscious receptors of her words and of what is behind the words. As we assimilate and become this teaching, God can use us to radiate grace to all we meet. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us and all life in a garment of grace.

  • In the heavenly octave, quality control is always accompanied by grace’s outflow.
  • Time slowed so that I heard a humming bird’s song and I was consumed by grace’s sweet aria.
  • Grace can even free radicals from their pernicious paradigms.
  • Populate the planet with new heart emanations of grace.
  • The forensic evidence is in: God is alive (by Her grace).
  • One cannot prevaricate in grace’s presence, for her purity exposes all to truth.
  • My compelling reason to meet God? Grace set up the date!
  • The humble heart is the perfect chalice for the sacred elixir known as grace.
  • A quality life is one in which grace has not only appeared, but reigned.
  • Let your words of grace at each holy repast be spontaneous, alive and heartfelt. She prefers a new infusion in every tea.

071122 Lady Kristine's Chrisms #31

  • In the heavenly octave, quality control is always accompanied by grace's outflow.

  • Time flowed so that I heard a humming bird's song, and I was consumed by grace's sweet aria.

  • Grace can even free radicals from their pernicious paradigm.

  • Populate the planet with new heart emanations of grace.

  • The forensic evidence is in—God is alive, by her grace.

  • One cannot prevaricate in grace's presence, for her purity exposes all to truth.

  • My compelling reason to meet God—grace set up the date.

  • The humble heart is the perfect chalice for the sacred elixir known as grace.

  • A quality life is one in which grace has not only appeared but reigned.

  • Let your words of grace at each holy repast be spontaneous, alive and heartfelt. She prefers a new infusion in every tea.

071120 Lady Kristine Chrism #30

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them her very essence, as grace, comes to us in her radiance. Our task then is to anchor this gift of light here in these planes by being the conscious receptors of her words and of what is behind the words. As we assimilate and become this teaching, God can use us to radiate grace to all we meet. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us and all life in a garment of grace.

  • Preceding the dawn grace comes to instruct souls on how best to receive the solar light as each day’s love infusion.

  • Grace, though radiant, is also photonic, for the concentrated pressure of her light is sometimes used to free recalcitrant souls who have begged for intercession.

  • Grace’s properties are numerous, her holdings few, but her savings vast.

  • In discussing cosmic evolution, grace prefers the term immaculate design.

  • God’s grand scheme called life has always held grace close at heart, for in its infancy all life requires her tender care to survive.

  • Let your preconceived notion be that grace is everywhere to be found and in everyone to be uncovered.

  • Grace’s confession: I have always been in love with God. And God’s, ditto.

  • The master healer’s prescription base is always grace.

  • Try grace as your production manager; for her spherical awareness maintains the harmony to adroitly complete the most difficult of projects.

  • Yearning for God’s love draws your presence near, but sharing his love keeps the flow and grace of your presence ever near.

071119 LADY KRISTINE's Chrisms #29

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them the very essence of her being comes to us in her radiance. Through this process she can more easily bring to our world the essences and blessings of grace. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us in a garment of grace.

• Doctors of the spirit are those whose patient methods always contain greater grace

than medication.

• The promotion of God’s kindness includes the great insaturation of grace into the

affairs of mankind at every level.

• War is the antithesis of grace.

• Grace is much more than a quick prayer before devouring a meal; it is the love

within the meal’s substance and preparation and the Creator’s blessing that flows

through its harmonious ingesting with family and friends.

• Radiant joy is grace’s mien and causeway.

• Polities of faith, polemics of hope and policies of charity all work toward governing

with grace within golden-crystal age societies.

• Professors of grace, who teach through the heart, are needed in every educational


• Your prayers for others are the new referrals in grace’s security business.

• Grace comes in many dimensional vibrations—as pure as a quartz crystal, as

refreshing as an alpine stream, as mysterious as a morning mist and as terrible as a

solar flare.

• Providing an opportunity for grace to appear anytime, anyplace, to anyone, anyway,

anyhow, is the work of today’s bodhisattvas.

071118 LADY KRISTINE Chrisms#28

The chrisms that we receive from Lady Kristine are sacred christenings of our souls. As we partake of them the very essence of her being comes to us in her radiance. Through this process she can more easily bring to our world the essences and blessings of grace. May we receive this essence and see it penetrating the cells of our spiritual being and clothing us in a garment of grace.
  • Grace is at the core of love’s shining light.
  • Providence uses great grace in his precision work to fashion every angle of every carat of the heart of his many beloved diamonds in the rough.
  • Deep reflection upon the divine world draws its radiant grace directly into your consciousness where it may subtly reside in the “no thought” state.
  • The gallant trespass the laws of futility and decadence to bring the cutting laser light of grace to free souls caught in illusion.
  • Grasping for grace without first surrendering to divine love is fruitless.
  • The pretentious’ call is not heard in grace’s chamber, but the soundless, soulful pining for her spirit moves her quickly to your side.
  • If every invention were conceived with grace in mindfulness then the harried hucksters would no longer have fodder to fool the children of Mother Earth.
  • Just as preventive medicine should be the first methodology of true healers, so the preemptive strikes of grace’s battalions may woo souls to the homeward Path.
  • Even ignoble minds who have reasoned against the divine culture of beauty cannot fully withstand the glorious dance of grace when she opens their hearts.
  • Ruby love is at the center of grace’s blazing radiance.

071117 Lady Kristine #27

May you move in the stream of grace as you meditate upon today’s chrisms from Lady Kristine:

  • Continuing to envision a world of grace and beauty is the sacred work of every Buddha and bodhisattva.

  • The potency of grace’s work is proven in her constant striving to bring light’s blessings to the darkest of regions and the most devolved of souls.

  • Grace’s thoroughfare, seldom traversed, is known primarily by the lone pilgrim whose only desire is to fully know God. Now create superhighways for the common traveler, O intrepid wayshower!

  • The amount of grace in your life is governed by the equation: B x G x A= GR²--beingness times givingness times appreciation equals grace squared.

  • Don the surplice of sainthood through progressive works of grace in new fields of Being.

  • The graces of divine royalty are earned by heroic service to the humble of heart.

  • Human discontent may be transformed into divine understanding through the miraculous tutoring of grace.

  • Grace’s appearance is governed not by royal fiat but by the dictates of a heart fully spent in prayer.

  • My plan is to inculcate grace deep within your spiritual mitochondrion.

  • The seraphic hosts emanate the most sublime graces that any sentient being can behold.

071116 Lady Mary-Lyn

The recently ascended Marilyn Barrick addressed us tenderly today beginning with the reminder that our enlightenment, instead of happening in a flash, occurs day by day as we are capable of assimilating and manifesting the gifts and graces of the spirit through our attention on the Presence and the presence of Joy within. She said that the various rituals, prayers, courses, and that which we share are all meant to provide ample opportunity for self-transcendence, whereby God is glorified within us; and we determine once and for all to enter into the sacred space of God’s being where we are.

Telling us that the ascended masters would have us “pull up and pull along” many more souls through the gifts and talents that we have brought to the table in this life, she asked us to see our souls in the greater context of service to humanity and of knowing how important it is for us to resolve all issues within ourselves so that we might be shining examples to all. Thus, she also said she came to augment our work by offering her services in the tutoring of our souls, along with the master Kuthumi. She added that those who look to us will then be drawn up to receive what they need to fulfill their own reasons for being.

She finished by saying that it was a grace that she was able to address us so soon after her ascension and gave tribute to beloved Kuthumi, her master and brother. She then blessed us and sealed us in the beingness of God’s presence.

071115 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #26

May grace be yours today and every day as you meditate upon Lady Kristine’s Chrisms (concise teachings on the blessing of grace in our lives):

  • The stars are populated with those who embraced grace’s teachings eons ago.

  • Anger eradicates grace’s place at your table.

  • The quality of mercy, forgiveness and forbearance that you exhibit others is dependent upon the daily nurturing you have given to grace’s spirit within.

  • Expressing frankness and honesty need not be bereft of grace’s courtliness and savoir faire.

  • Appreciation is a crystal chalice into which grace pours her most potent spirits for the uplift of a soul.

  • Childlike simplicity is grace’s preferred means to penetrate hearts with her cherubic arrows of divine bliss.

  • Every offering of selfhood to glorify God increases grace’s asset base.

  • Resplendent in her winsome beauty grace outshines the haughty brides of illicit stardom who’ve been caught in desire to receive human adulation.

  • The missionaries of grace have written a new testament to the power of givingness and the intricacies of transmutative love.

  • The twin pillars of grace are sensitivity to need and a willingness to serve.

Sunday Family Service November 18, 2007

Set aside your time this Sunday, November 18, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. MST for the Family Service. This week there will also be an adult darshan. Please email your questions in advance to darshan@theheartscenter.org. In addition, join in the Town Hall Meeting this Sunday—your opportunity to give input on a number of topics.

You will be able to access more details shortly from the Events tab on the menu bar, under Sunday Services.

071113 Lady Kristine's Chrisms #25

  • Previously held paradigms are more easily relinquished by accepting grace’s lofty insights.
  • Far from the madding crowd’s influence, grace asserts her perfect plan with the serenity of a swan’s silky glide across a windless day’s pond.
  • The proof of grace’s abundant wisdom is evident in the face of every newborn.
  • Candidates for the ascension know the finality of grace’s call and tutoring.
  • Only the preposterous ones muse on a universe conceptualized by a mind other than a graceful creator who impregnated all with holy purpose.
  • The tomes of heaven are replete with grace’s delights known as Sophia’s wisdom, rather than those mere mortal snippets known as human knowledge.
  • Intent on bringing spiritual fire into your domain, grace translates its intense heat and destructive powers into tangible and beneficial uses of electric current.
  • Every child’s first breath is assisted by grace’s coaxing.
  • Prior to God’s great investiture of light in the creation, he consulted grace who said that “it would all be good.”
  • Grace constantly deputizes proxies for her ongoing work. Will you serve today?

071112 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #24

  • Gratitude pleads her case for grace to display her wares. Thankfulness plows a deep furrow for conscious souls to sow after her.

  • The intelling spirit (inner intelligence) that moves mountains by faith must first bathe the believer in grace’s unctuous oils.

  • Life and consciousness are God’s primal gifts of grace to mankind, yet these are the most oft taken for granted.

  • The terrain of the heart may only be landscaped by the virtuous who sing to grace with every movement.

  • The Elohim truly know grace’s cosmic amperage.

  • If every parent, teacher and leader understood their daily responsibilities as opportunities to extend a portion of the cosmos’ grace through service, a new humanitarian spirit and great social harmony would blossom upon earth.

  • Engender an attitude of grace by accepting all as co-equals in God. Courtesy, civility and abiding by the creator’s etiquette builds true brotherhood one heart-interaction at a time.

  • Only upon the fiery anvil of the heart may grace in her great disguise press the weapons of human misery into plowshares of conscious love.

  • Thoughtful living is grace’s handiwork and mindfulness her livelihood.

  • Long ago God designated Mercy as his mediator in all disputes and Grace as his final word in all appeals.


Create a Strong Vision Plan

This morning David shared with us the Masters’ impressions to him upon awakening this morning as to the benefits of preparing a vision plan of what we would like to see outpictured in our lives—for the next year, three years and beyond. This current cycle of Scorpio is a perfect time to attune with Cyclopea and our Divine or Higher Self to create a strong vision or master plan, not just to precipitate material things (though some of these may facilitate our work), but to accelerate awareness and accomplish our goals to glorify God.

David suggests that we use the tool of treasure mapping, for it allows us to focus our vision into a pictorial representation that we can then energize with our prayers and God’s light. But once this is done we also need to begin with the end or goal in mind and have definitive step-by-step strategies and action items with timelines to fill in the plan. As we work with the ascended masters who are inspiring and moving us along, we can rise beyond the human modes of living in mortality with its sense of lack or limitation. We can do great things--seemingly miraculous things--as we work collectively through a higher vision, whereby God moves within us to help us fulfill our reason for being.

071111 Lady Kristine #23

This morning’s chrisms from Lady Kristine for our blessing and anointing:

*A generous spirit is becoming of grace. A gentle spirit becomes grace.

*Reach for the stars but only in the presence of grace.

*Grace makes the best of every seeming tragedy, for she softens its blows with her comforter, and shortens its stay by her prayers.

*All quality time with family and friends is scheduled by grace.

*Midwives of the spirit train to be grace’s handmaidens, for they know that in motherhood are found all her secrets.

*Grace’s chrisms bestow lasting joy and peace to every servitor of the spirit.

*The effectual prayers of the righteous are carried on express currents by grace’s couriers, even as their requests are also answered swiftly.

*Those who sincerely serve others always receive grace’s most bounteous ministrations.

*The virtues have the most patents on grace though each is universally shared with all who apply with a pure heart.

*The foundation of the Holy City is composed of and fortified by universal light substance applied by the angels of grace.

071106 Lady Kristine Chrism #18

Receive the grace of Lady Kristine in her chrisms for today:

*Every portal to the Infinite is opened through conscious love. Grace is the portal.
*Extending mercy season after season is the sacred calling of the bodhisattvas of grace.
*Have you noticed a propensity to tire just before the final battle when the enemy may be vanquished and the victory may be yours? Study your consciousness and see with me how there is no other option than to keep alert. My grace will be your stimulant.
*Tread softly around those entrusted to your care, for heavy steps, like harsh words, are felt by their souls.
*God would install within your heart a new peacemaker, which is grace.
*The angels’ wings are light-feathers composed of grace.
*Every transcendental thought, every inspired feeling may be carried on winds of grace by your permission.
*Grace has a way about her that is quintessentially divine.
*When grace is at the center of your relationships, then your grasping for straws will dissolve into embracing the moment, and your mind games will be replaced by playful tete-a-tetes!¹
*Reverence for life is grace manifest throughout the world.

¹Tete-a-tete: From the French, literally meaning “head-to-head” i.e., a private conversation between two people.

071110 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #22

This morning’s chrisms from Lady Kristine for your blessing and anointing:

*Prophetic dreams, divine locutions and sudden bursts of illumination all occur at the behest and sponsorship of grace.

*Grace is governed by receptivity; an open mind, a joyous heart and a willing spirit are its leading advocates.

*Most inspiration results from the perspiration of grace.

*Every falling leaf, every robin’s song and every monarch’s emergence know grace’s signature and her lilting light investiture.

*Those who mock the Creator slam the door on grace’s entry, just as the hard-hearted halt her opening remarks and her closing arguments.

*Any intention to fathom divine light is witnessed by grace, who then conspires to pursue you as the hound of heaven with her angelic devices.

*Every seminal spiritual awakening and every lasting love relationship have known grace’s visitation and nurturing.

*Heaven’s Arbiter has always been smitten by grace’s passionate pleas for mankind. Her wit has won many a recalcitrant soul’s freedom.

*The surest path through grace’s garden is humility.

*Grace is equipped with every divine tool of the trade to soften hearts, purify motives and seal lasting friendships.

071109 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #21

May grace flow through you to raise the world into greater light as you meditate upon this morning’s chrisms from Lady Kristine:

*Toasting the saints isn’t tantamount to entering their ranks. Progress from spectator to professional in grace’s great drama.

*In Aquarius flagellation turns to adulation, kneeling to feeling, agony to levity and beseeching to being. Shift gears and live in the new grace race.

*If all your attempts to win the ear of the Lord seem to have come to naught, begin listening to His silent assent of Selfhood within your heart.

*Allow grace to be more seductive than all the sirens’ vice work.

*My secret to becoming lighter is a healthy diet of virtue topped with a luscious dessert of grace.

*Resident within every acceptance of grace’s gracious gifts is the soul’s sure knowledge that God’s love is infinite.

*Trying to own grace is like trying to capture a resounding wave. Let your only desire be to be washed clean by its divine fury.

*Grace has a different name in every culture but its distinct and delicate taste is always the same.

*To solve life’s complex equations attune to grace’s exponential powers.

*The work of every frequency of the spirit may be augmented by the sine wave of grace.

071108 Lady Kristine's Chrism #20

May Grace flow through you to raise the world into greater light as you meditate upon this morning’s Chrisms from Lady Kristine:

*Interest in the sublime propels the marriage of the human soul to the divine spirit through grace. Those who seek God within shall be rewarded.

*To realize your true potential, grasp the potency of grace to oil the wheels of substantive change in the now.

*Friendship with virtue also accommodates purity and thereby always extends an invitation to grace.

*Grace appears within every divine romance even as it sings in the center of every rose. Continue the aria for me.

*The joy of individuality in God is that your personal fragrance of grace is also borne within your heart-connection with His heart.

*My mantra-song: Let grace have her way this day in work and play through every ray!

*Fortunate are those who embrace grace even when she appears as a difficult challenge through friends and foes.

*Love-tides of grace flow on holy days when people’s hearts are turned to God. What will you do to make today holy?

*Grace is the refreshment of the spirit that’s available to all who ask for the divine draught (draft) rather than its paltry counterfeit.

*God has hidden his secret graces in your original makeup—you are divine!

071107 Lady Kristine's Chrism #19
Receive the grace of Lady Kristine in her chrisms for today:

Let your performance-enhancing graces be virya, virtuosity and the victory consciousness.


There are no entitlements in heaven though grace is the boon bestowed upon every intrepid servant-leader.


Some see grace as an aromatic chrism, but it may also be a powerful healing cathartic.


There is no proper setting for grace’s appearance, for she moves amidst all castes with her clarion call to the humble heart.


To understand grace visit a maternity ward, a ballet studio, a halfway home or a chamber choir concert. Then shower her fragrance upon all.


Frauds mock grace, for her only demand is purity of heart.


Family prayers rise to the highest reaches of grace’s abode.


Grace’s signet is an outstretched hand upon which shines a glowing heart.


Anyone may be the carrier of grace when compassion unseats the ego’s reign of error.


You will know the immensity of grace on your soul’s eternal wedding day with her bridegroom.

071104 Mother Mary

Mother Mary Washes Hearts of Fire with an Action of the Secret Rays

The Sunday service from Wellspring concluded this morning with the coming of the tender Mother Mary. She asked those in attendance to hold hands in a circle with her. She blessed all who were there and all of her children in the Hearts Center, shedding her grace and love on all who have been true. And just as she came at the conclusion of the pilgrimage in Crete, she came to cleanse each one in the light. And each one who had supported the pilgrimage received from her the cleansing action of the subconscious. “This washing of the spirit is an action of the secret rays…” just like the crystal light baths in [her] retreat where the caressing arms of angel ministrants deliver her love to us.

She told us, “I embrace you as your mother. I love you as your friend.” She is aware of our trials and of the ground we have gained in this and past lives. “I see your striving and I understand your challenges for I am there with you, blessed ones, always with you… when you simply say, ‘Hail Mary, full of grace,’ …can I not hear you and be at your side? I am there and each time you pray I may wash you clean again.

071105 LADY KRISTINE #17

Receive the grace of Lady Kristine in her chrisms for today:

*Every problem can be solved by first meditating on the grace within the answer.
*Replace all focus on lack with musings on abundance. Then God’s amazing grace will flow into the arena of your life with only your true being in play.
*Divine light is all that is.
*Proportionate with your willingness and desire to visualize the perfect outcome of every day’s spiritual work and projects and then your willingness to back up that vision with action will be their manifest fulfillment.
*Avoid mortal combat and enter the angelic ranks of the grace-bearers.
* Preliminary to every victorious conclusion to a worthy operatic offering are thousands of notes sung and played in harmony by numerous masterful beings. Become the composer, the orchestra and the diva and live!
* Impending disasters result from acceptance of karma outplayed. Break the cycle and transmute the past within the future’s dance in the now.
*Vying for power always results in powerlessness. Let grace be your sufficiency in the energy market.
*Co-measurement with the Masters allows the plumb-line of reality to set your course to true north.
*Inveigle yourself in God’s affairs of state through his grace.

071104 El Morya Discourse

El Morya Offers Discourse at the Table Round for Hearts Inclined to Hear

In the dawn’s early light El Morya spoke to the one and the many heartfriends who aspire to uphold the sacred duty of a Knight or a Lady of the Flame. While this order was created to protect, defend and support the new dispensation of The Hearts Center, it is also an integral part of the process of assisting more souls to bear a greater portion of planetary karma in the great transition from Pisces to Aquarius. So El Morya’s gentle discourse this morning was to nurture and instruct us as we move forward in our cosmic service to be conscious participants at the Round Table, equal in the factor of having reached the 75 percentile of balancing our own karma.

His discourse came in the midst of giving the fiery call “I AM the One!” Morya fully embraced the cosmic ideation of the Will of God and embodies it for the earth. Resonating with El Morya who is true to God’s will magnetize the divine feminine. And balance is the requirement for every Knight and Lady of the Flame—balance in the atom of selfhood. Morya mentioned the “doldrums of nonsensical thinking.” Projecting out to see others as the cause of our lack of wholeness keeps us from progressing in the inner work that is the key to resolving our personal psychology and keeping our divine balance.

El Morya’s discourse this morning was part of the current Meru University class wherein Morya is teaching on the soul. You may listen to this entire message on the "Replays of Audio Broadcasts" page under the "Sanctuary" tab on the menu bar above.

071101 All Saints Day/Afra Special Service

HAPPY ALL SAINTS DAY TO EVERYONE - Thursday, November 01, 2007
All Saints Day is a magnificent day, for today we have access to the entire hierarchy of heaven, the entire Universal White Brotherhood and their Great Blue Causal Body. The Great Blue Causal Body is the conglomerate name for the totality of all the ascended masters in the heaven world. It is the Holy City, fully inhabited by all ascended beings. Remember to give praise, express your gratitude for life and to pray throughout the day for resolution, healing and wholeness for yourself, your family, the children, the entire planet and for all life everywhere.

Today is Beloved Afra’s Ascension Day and you are cordially invited to a banquet in his honor. Please join heartfriends, servitors of light and the Afra Group tonight from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. MDT as we celebrate Afra’s Spirit of Brotherhood. There will be a dictation from Afra at 8:00 p.m. MDT through our spokesman for the Brotherhood, David Christopher Lewis. Consider having a piece of cake with a single lighted candle commemorating our oneness with the heart of Afra, and a glass of sparkling water or juice for a toast. We will sing, hear readings, and share our victories and testimonies about our Beloved Brother Afra. See you in the now at 7:00 p.m. MDT.

071031 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #16


The precious oil of grace is like no other. It adorns both giver and receiver with a new aroma and blessing whenever it is conveyed. It cannot be bottled for future use, only released in the moment.


Even rebellious spirits are offered opportunities for self-transcendence through grace though it may appear as a rough-hewn door leading out of darkness.


Discern devic grace through nature’s playful handiwork and its ability to soften your heart and refresh your soul.


Romance the Beloved by returning his favors in gracious and heroic acts on others’ behalf.


Grace turns the wheel of misfortune toward the New Day.


Inherent in any chrism is grace beatified through the holy essence of its saintly source. It is an extension of the Presence of that one.


One glimpse of the divine world is grace enough for planetary transformation when that vision is activated through compassion.


Every stately palm tree, every sturdy oak, every shimmering aspen is the lifetime work of grace of a conscious elemental servitor.


Grace may sometimes arrive disguised as a caustic remark if you can perceive at its core the desire of its sender to help you move beyond a selfish stance or a temporary delusional mindset.


Walking with grace, even the toughest road becomes sublimely radiant.