080307 Easter Conference

Easter 2008 at the Wellspring Retreat

March 20-23

Resurrection Spirals Enfold You


Upper Room Teachings Transport You!

Spring equinox—What better place to be at the beginning of this cycle than at Easter Conference 2008 at the Wellspring Retreat?

Holy Thursday. Meru University offers to its students an intimate darshan experience with beloved Jesus and Kuthumi and discourses on adeptship and precipitation. As a re-enactment and more of the disciples’ experience with Jesus in the upper room the night before his crucifixion, the sacred foot-washing ceremony and special Last Supper Holy Communion will transport you in consciousness into the sacred heart of our Lord. Click here for more information and to register.

Good Friday through Easter Sunday. Enjoy a bouquet of teaching on the precipitation of a golden-crystal age economy for ourselves and the planet. Join heartfriends worldwide in creating the fragrance of holy prayer through song, rosary and mantra accelerating this Easter resurrection spiral through the invocation of the green ray of abundance, the gold ray of illumination and the ruby ray of intense love.

Click here to view the entire program for “The Resurrection of a Golden-Crystal Age Economy for America and the World” and to register for this event.