080222 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #3

Blaze Forth the Fire of Radical Forgiveness—Your Health Depends on It!

Saint Germain came early this morning to deliver the alpha thrust for a spiral of divine alchemy for Solar Beingness. "…I come to initiate each of you through the science of radical forgiveness in violet-laser-joy love such that you may move on past those blocks within your subconscious that have tripped you up lifetime after lifetime." In order for many of us to move into a higher vision and have greater God-power flowing through our auras and chakras, a focused action of forgiveness of self and others is the requirement of the hour.

"The highest level of transmutation that you can attain to in this life is dependent upon how much you release and forgive, you let go of permanently." Saint Germain asked us to kneel in silence and send forth these rays of forgiveness to complete the alpha thrust. "And the Omega return requires that you go to those whom you have wronged or whom you thought have wronged you and forgive and ask for forgiveness. This will complete the spiral and then you may move into higher solar beingness with Morya and me. I am the one sent to deliver freedom to the earth."

Click here to listen to this message in full and to hear all 12 of the "elixirs," a few of which are below:

  • Vanity diminishes your receptivity to the alchemical fires of Solar Beingness.

  • Co-create a new mindfulness through attentiveness to divine purpose wed to compassionate communication.

  • Valuing every lifestream as a unique and beautiful individualization of the God flame, you move into a new unity field of awareness in presence.

  • Forget others' mistakes and dwell on their bountiful Presence wholly in divine and rapturous love with yours.