080216 Magda

Prepare for the Day of Permanency in God

During this morning’s giving of the Rosary, beloved Mother Mary and the Ascended Lady Master Magda performed “a spiritual recalibration of your [our] inner blueprint toward the perfectionment of your [our] soul with your [our] spirit” in preparation for our becoming the fullness of our God Presence even before “the day of divine glory” of the ascension ritual. Magda spoke to us of the importance of this sacred ritual for the “bonding of [our] heart to the heart of God and eventually also to your [our] beloved twin flame whether ascended or not.”

A few years ago, Magda gave us the beautiful mantra “I live and move and have my being within a living, liquid crystal diamond of light.” As we have given this mantra and taken it to heart, the Angels of the Sixth Ray have been ministering to our soul and spirit “for the holy purpose of preparing you [us] for the day of permanency in God, of complete union” whereby we will know the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, soul and spirit because we have loved him and have let his love live within us “to sing a sweet song of divine ecstasy” where we are.

Magda comes today to Los Angeles, the city of the angels, to “bring many hearts to an awareness of the love of Jesus” and to remind us of his calling to each of us last night to be his disciples. Describing the words of Jesus given 2000 years ago as “living and real engrams of fire,” she tells us that in this hour as Jesus has moved “onward and upward in the stream of God consciousness. . .through this current discipleship you [we] may have access to the cosmic frequencies that flow through his awareness of God as one Light, one Love, one Beingness in the purity of joy and transcendency.”