080206 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #25

Liquid Crystal Mercy Light—

The Resolution Solution

Today, Kuan Yin comes singing a new song of hope and asking us to take our Higher Selves more seriously so that we may no longer live on the periphery of Selfhood but enter the center of being, free to be who we are. In today’s missives, this Lady of Mercy from the East tells us that, as a principled teacher, Mercy allows us to grade our own spiritual progress with a soulful look at the effects of our choices while simultaneously giving us “the promising qualities of life-changing grace.”

How can we move closer to the oversoul of the corona of Mercy?” We are given two keys. Kuan Yin tells us that if we embrace our own Higher Selves in the totality of its first six dimensions, we may then enter the seventh ray action whereby complete forgiveness of all and to all may manifest within our worlds. Secondly, we are told that as we speak our aves and hum our mantras to Kuan Yin, we can use the rising mother flow to wash us clean of all past distractions toward our divine plan, moving into higher tiers of understanding of the mercy light within.

We are asked to sing, pray and emanate mercy and to be for the earth “the perfect glowing ember even through the cold night of [our] soul’s orbit until one day [we] shall be fully received within the great Sun Presence of love never more to go out into the vanity of the lesser self but living fully within the unity of the One Heart of Mercy.”

She inscribed the law of the Budhi Ones within our hearts and bade us study this law to know her heart always.

Missives of Mercy from my Heart #25

  • Have you signed a protracted agreement with Mercy to air her missives?

  • Mercy may help you to fully divest yourself of your old stock, for then the bonds of your karma may also be dissolved.

  • Become Mercy’s heir.

  • Mercy’s protoplasm is electrostatic joy in inspiring others to love.

  • When accepted, Mercy’s propositions always carry you to the fount of inner joy.

  • Allow Mercy to let down her angel hair in your Presence.

  • Mercy will occasionally chide you to embrace or take your Self, your Higher Self more seriously.

  • Mercy’s gifts are always replete with the subtleties of holy love and the promising qualities of life-changing grace.

  • Fortunate are those who have made Mercy the prime director of their internal affairs as well as the chief conductor of their outer vocational work.

  • As a principled teacher, Mercy allows you to grade your own spiritual progress with a soulful look at the effects of your choices.

  • Refining you in the gentle, warming hearth fires of forgiveness and compassion is the work of the vestal Mercy devas.

  • Let the products of your imagination be merciful and radiant to others.