071126—Jesus Jewels of Joy #3

We are blessed once again with Jesus’ delivery of Jewels of Joy in this thirty- three day cycle of preparation for a most holy Christmas:

  • Every experience of joy embellishes your aura with a crystal radiance that may be made permanent as it continues to light your way to the reality of God-beingness.

  • The ascended masters are your true Friends of Joy.

  • Conscious participants in our Father-Mother’s plan for world salvation always have the joy of the angels as a boon to inspire them to heroic deeds.

  • Freedom to pursue the highest trajectory is a soul’s greatest joy.

  • Wisdom powered by love is the joy of Christhood.

  • The conquering ones must learn to release all elements of anti-joy that have bound them to others’ battles which are not the work of solar liberation.

  • Portents of joy are everywhere in nature.

  • Transitory happiness is not the joy of the Solar Lords, whose impeccable precision in directing cosmic currents of love-wisdom is their joyful responsibility to serve vast evolutions.

  • The alchemy of joy is found in every child’s spontaneous laughter. Study this dynamic stream from which they drink to perceive our sacred elixir.

  • Guidance toward the higher life and walk with God is the joyous work of the spiritual community known as the Universal White Brotherhood.

  • A life of principled living must be accompanied by joy so it will not be sullied by the rigidity of pride.

  • Godly acts always bring joy to the world today.