071117 Lady Kristine #27

May you move in the stream of grace as you meditate upon today’s chrisms from Lady Kristine:

  • Continuing to envision a world of grace and beauty is the sacred work of every Buddha and bodhisattva.

  • The potency of grace’s work is proven in her constant striving to bring light’s blessings to the darkest of regions and the most devolved of souls.

  • Grace’s thoroughfare, seldom traversed, is known primarily by the lone pilgrim whose only desire is to fully know God. Now create superhighways for the common traveler, O intrepid wayshower!

  • The amount of grace in your life is governed by the equation: B x G x A= GR²--beingness times givingness times appreciation equals grace squared.

  • Don the surplice of sainthood through progressive works of grace in new fields of Being.

  • The graces of divine royalty are earned by heroic service to the humble of heart.

  • Human discontent may be transformed into divine understanding through the miraculous tutoring of grace.

  • Grace’s appearance is governed not by royal fiat but by the dictates of a heart fully spent in prayer.

  • My plan is to inculcate grace deep within your spiritual mitochondrion.

  • The seraphic hosts emanate the most sublime graces that any sentient being can behold.