071104 Mother Mary

Mother Mary Washes Hearts of Fire with an Action of the Secret Rays

The Sunday service from Wellspring concluded this morning with the coming of the tender Mother Mary. She asked those in attendance to hold hands in a circle with her. She blessed all who were there and all of her children in the Hearts Center, shedding her grace and love on all who have been true. And just as she came at the conclusion of the pilgrimage in Crete, she came to cleanse each one in the light. And each one who had supported the pilgrimage received from her the cleansing action of the subconscious. “This washing of the spirit is an action of the secret rays…” just like the crystal light baths in [her] retreat where the caressing arms of angel ministrants deliver her love to us.

She told us, “I embrace you as your mother. I love you as your friend.” She is aware of our trials and of the ground we have gained in this and past lives. “I see your striving and I understand your challenges for I am there with you, blessed ones, always with you… when you simply say, ‘Hail Mary, full of grace,’ …can I not hear you and be at your side? I am there and each time you pray I may wash you clean again.