080424 Kuan Yin’s Vigil of Divine Mercy, Day 10
Our Freedom to Be God Evermore
As a prelude to this morning’s message on the soul from Beloved Kuthumi, David discoursed on the importance of stillness in mind, body and in being. When we are still, we align our physical body with our True Self, and our God Presence with the sun of this system. When we enter “the one point of perfect stillness in the center of being, from that point of reality [we] no longer live on the periphery but [we] live fully within the very heart of God as [we] maintain this stillness.”
“Let us never forget what we are truly about. Even through we pray for the world, ultimately the work being done within the cells of our being is for bringing us into perfect presence, alignment and beingness.”
The Via Gloriosa—the New Way of Light
Upon Which the Soul May Strive Toward Beingness within God
Kuthumi explained that “at the core of being, [the] soul is a reflection of the divine Fatherhood of God as the feminine potential for complete radiant being” right where we are here and now. The original intent of our soul “is to merge with the stream of the oneness of the Divine Oversoul,” to know our freedom to be God evermore.
The clouding over of the soul—where some see the soul as dark and gloomy— that happens through “the choice of ego-identification…has caused the schism of being whereby many have lost God Self-identification with the allness of pure being as the Source.”
Saint Germain’s gift of the violet fire and its accelerated action through the violet laser light “can allow [us] greater connectivity first with [our] soul and then with [our] Source, by the dissolving of the age-old records of darkness, density and the calcification of ego-thought and emotion around [us].” When we have each fully accomplished our work, “then the pearl of [our] beingness within the soul may once more shine forth in glory as the soul ascends one with the heart and then one with the divine beingness of the Oversoul of the Solar Presence.”
Kuthumi concludes his message sharing with us another key in this sacred process, holding the “immaculate concept for [our] own soul as the pearl of great price [that] is essential for [us] to have God-egoic identification”—beingness within God.
Click here to access and listen to the discourse, Kuthumi’s message and the morning prayer service.
Image source: Nicholas Roerich Museum