080414 Discourse on the Rosary

Raising the Mother Light Within

This morning the masters commented on the profound action that takes place as we pray the rosary, day by day, calling it “an opportunity to once again enter into the very presence of God’s beingness.” These prayers anchor the light of the Mother flame within the Earth and within our souls. For as we honor the Mother flame in Mother Mary, (or Kuan Yin or the archeiai) we also honor that flame within ourselves. We receive “a daily bath of divine light which is the mother’s nurturing of us as we revere her love, her light.”

As we honor both our Buddha nature and the Mother Light in the giving of the Golden Buddha Rosary, there is a divine interchange, through the nexus of the heart, between the light of the Father and the crown and the Mother Light and the base charka. “… there is the adoration, as Above so below, of the Father/Mother principles even within our own being where wholeness is fully manifest, where presence is glorified, where God exists right within the chalice of our own being.” We can see these rosaries as “opportunity to go deep within our hearts and to contact the core of our being, the very essence of who we are as God-realized sons and daughters now.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire discourse and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.