080419 Kuan Yin Vigil Day #5
As You Love, So Love Is Given To You
As You Enter the Heart of Mercy in Mindfulness,
So Mercy May Sustain You
This morning, Avalokiteshvara, the universal manifestation of compassion, comes to us to “radiate the mercy of love”; to “plead before the Almighty for mercy on behalf of all earth’s evolutions; and, to “express the allness of Mercy to those who would be merciful to life.”
As we send out kind thoughts of and toward others, “an angel of mercy may take [each kind thought] and bestow a blessing upon that one, and that blessing is the very action of Mercy.” We are reminded to have kind thoughts of and toward our own soul and to wrap our soul “in the same emanation of joyful mindfulness in God’s Presence.” As we take time each day to “simply be within the lotus light of Mercy” and to revere the God-good within all, then our “vision and our thoughts will be compassionate and of the very kind that God has toward [us].”
In conclusion, we are given the keys to resolving all within us and to having greater God-joy and abundance:
Manifest heartfulness toward life.
Give mercy.
Bestow the grace of kindness.
Image source: www.thangka.ru/gallery/ge_avalokiteshvara.html
Discourse on the Science of Prayer
All of Our Prayers Should Sing Through Our Hearts
Before our prayer and rosary service this morning, we were blessed with a discourse on the Science of Prayer. All of our spoken prayers have a threefold action to them based on their rhythm, the words of the prayer and on the love we bring to their recitation. With these three components in balance, our prayers will be at their highest level of effectiveness.
heir rhythm creates the grid of light through which the words and emanation manifest.
The words of our prayers are as “the intelligence of the mind of God that manifest as the matrix of the thrust of God and the direction of the light where we send it.”
The love comes forth as “the Holy Spirit that we emanate as the words flow through our heart and all of our chakras” activating the rhythm and the words and the meaning of those words.
We are reminded that as we pray each day through mantra, decree and rosary, to be “about the fire enfolding itself right within us and allowing our world—part of the whole world—to be completely subsumed into the divine emanation….Let every prayer be one where we self observe, where we maintain this point of total centeredness in God. Let every word that flows through us be that Word where we are. Let the totality of our God-reality sing in great joy as we sing this new song prophetically spoken of by John the Beloved in the Book of Revelation.”
Access today’s entire dictation and prayer and rosary service.